
Arts Lab Report: My first month in Târgu Frumos

My first month of volunteering in Târgu Fumos finished. When I arrived here, as I came from Italy, I immediately started the quarantine at home. Than, one week later we all begun to stay at home. Because of this situation our work and experience here has, of course, become a bit different from what I expected and we all had to change our plans and to organise the work for the project in a different way.  During the first week here, I had my first Whatsapp meeting with Nikolia, our mentor. We presented ourselves and talked about my motivation and expectations for the next months. I also organised the first workshop (about the bases of photography) that I would like to set up here. I hope I will be able to start as soon as the quarantine time is over. I also collaborated in the writing of Sports Activator articles for which I created 17 info-graphic files with photos and also 17 texts for the Facebook page. I also wrote the Italian lines for the arrival song composed with the other vol

Breaking down borders

‘Volunteers without Borders’ an Erasmus+ Youth in Action project was located in the Mansion Rakičan near Murska Sobota, Slovenia. The project was held between 30th September and 8th October 2019, involving 37 Slovenian, Romanian, Croatian, Hungarian, Lithuanian and Estonian young people between 17 and 30 years old from different backgrounds and institutions. The main goals of the project were to familiarize participants with the concept of volunteering and the impact on the local environment, to develop their self-esteem and confidence and to get to know vulnerable groups including minorities of the Pomurje region, which the project helped through volunteering. The activities involved learning about volunteering work through practical examples. By connecting with the local environment, the participants of the project created activities that will have a positive impact on the people and their surroundings.  “The work you have done is very nice and I am proud to have international v

People of Arts Lab: Omar Franco

I was born in a small city in central Peru. My mother had to wait a whole night of pain until I was born, on November 29. That day up in the sky the constellation of the crux could be seen that can only be seen in the south of the planet.  During my childhood I discovered music by the cassettes of Michael Jackson and the Beatles. The first color I remember is green and my first love was at 6 years old. I was escaping from school to eat my snack with my grandfather in a park.  In my adolescence I dedicated myself to extraterrestrial life, I found friends. Later, my will has been visiting new places. I learned to play the guitar and became member of the symphony orchestra of my city and I listen to Beethoven's music. I participated in events related to music, theater, art in my city and I was happy. My higher studies were journalism, marketing and audiovisuals. I discovered cinema. Finally I decided to go out and see the world and start traveling through South America, but that

People of Arts Lab: Hanul Choi

Volunteering, learning and filming   I joined this volunteering project because I was in a point where I had to start looking for a job after a late graduation from my film degree. I always wanted to work in film industry to reach my objective of becoming a film director. However, a filmmaker once said that the best filmmakers are the ones who has learned lots of life lessons, not someone who has a lot of knowledge or just talented. Until now I have been someone who barely ever got out of my comfort zone: I lived in Madrid since the day I was born and never got to live in a different place independently, away from my parents helpful hand. My passionate side has always been telling me: “ Dude, you’ve got to get out to the world. You stay here too long and you are going to end up scared for the rest of your short life. ” For that reason I took a 4 hour flight to a country that I previously had no intention of going and took a train to the small town of Târgu Frumos. It started off wel

People of Arts Lab: Eliana Colzani

I love traveling. Last year, after graduating, I decided to leave for Perù for a year of civil service. It was the first time I went to live on my own far away from my city. During this time I understood that I want to continue to move around, to meet new cultures and places, so I decided to come here in Târgu Frumos, a small village in Romania surrounded by nature, very different from the big and chaotic city of Lima where I was accompanied all the day by the sound of cars and buses. When I travel I always take with me my sketchbook, some films and my camera. Everywhere I go I like to have this things with me, to have the opportunity to make memory and document what I see. #storiesofvolunteers #artslab #europeansolidaritycorps #meetourvolunteers #supertineri #asirys Arts Lab 2.0 is a project funded by European Solidarity Corps, with the support of European Union.  

People of Arts Lab: Deniz Ataman

I was born near the sea, in a windy autumn day. Since then, I’ve been addicted to that big beautiful blueness, embodied also in my name. I am always exploring different dreams. I’m like the water, changing every day. I lived in many different cities, met with people from all around the world, but my best place in the world is the shore. I feel there much more grounded rather than any place in the world. It’s not surprising that I’ve chosen art for my major interest. The artists are the craziest, but also the most brave people. I’m trying to explore different ways of art for expression. I’m sure my journey in this is something that will never end. #storiesofvolunteers #artslab #europeansolidaritycorps #meetourvolunteers #supertineri #asirys Arts Lab 2.0 is a project funded by European Solidarity Corps, with the support of European Union. 

Volunteers in quarantine

I find myself in Târgu Frumos, a small city in Romania. I’m here with other three volunteers through the European Solidarity Corps programme and we will stay in Târgu Frumos until the month of October. As a lot of people, after the COVID-19 outbreak, 3 weeks ago we started the quarantine. We are not allowed to work in the city’s youth center and in the schools, so we spend all the day at home and in the garden; day by day, the quarantine has become a good chance to take time for ourselves, to do things we usually have few time to do and to invent a new ways to organise workshops and projects. We started to do different activities like gardening, drawing, singing or shooting workshops about health recipes, drawing and crafting; in order to publish them and stay in contact with the community. I like to describe with images what I see, trough photography we can make memories and we can learn something.  During these days I started to document with my camera the day routine: activiti

Conferinţa Non-formală de Promovare și Valorificare a Patrimoniului Cultural prin Proiecte și Inițiative de Voluntariat în regiunea Moldova

 Educația non-formală este o unealtă de folos în procesul de învățare al tinerilor, fapt ce a făcut ca voluntariatul să ia amploare în ultimii ani. În acest sens, trebuie să ne adaptăm nevoilor și să construim o rețea de oameni și resurse care să răspundă cerințelor din acest domeniu. Întrucât ASIRYS are o experiență de 11 ani în care s-au organizat activități, evenimente, proiecte naționale și internaționale, asociația își dorește să își împărtășească din bunele practici și să pună bazele unei conexiuni care să fie inspirată de ideea voluntariatului. În urma ultimelor proiecte organizate, am decis că este necesar să comunicăm rezultatele celor întreprinse de noi, astfel încât tot mai multe comunități să fie motivate de a organiza și susține activități de educație non-formală și să facă pașii necesari spre dezvoltarea voluntariatului. După patru proiecte în care am găzduit în Târgu Frumos 32 voluntari internaționali, vrem să insuflăm și altor lucrători de tineret dorința de a-și extin

Nothing can stop true motivation

“I don’t want a goodbye party because I want to continue the activities here” said Nikolia some time ago, when she finished her EVS (European Volunteering Service currently named European Solidarity Corps) project of one year. And she did, because she has found a home in Romania, in Târgu Frumos. Nikolia came from Greece in an Erasmus+ Youth Exchange in 2018 called Rroma HeArt and she fell in love with Romania, the activities that we were doing at the Youth Center and the Super Tineri organisation. So she decided that she needs to escape her ordinary life and do something new, that would fulfill her soul and would help her grow both personally and professionally.   Back in Greece, Nikolia was unemployed and she says that she couldn’t find a job that she liked. She has been a volunteer in a youth center in Ioannina and the Red Cross, but she confessed that nothing was like the experience from Romania: “In one year I did completely new things than in my previous life”. She came wi