
Arts Lab 4.0: Month III, Maja Mörchen - Enjoying

Now I have spent three months in Romania. Meaning that half of my time here is up. We try to extend the project until April so maybe I’ll have a little more time. But I don’t want to think about leaving now. Even though I miss home and my friends and family it feels like every day I am arriving more. Slowly and hesitantly, I started growing roots also in this place and the thought of leaving forever, of this opportunity and experience ending is haunting. But right now, I am here and I want to stay in the present or for this report look into the past month. My last report left of near the end of our Folklore Museum. Since then, we said goodbye to Petru Rareș high-school and had our final exhibition in the ACT House as well as a Caravan in another village. Even though my final product was different than I might have pictured it in the beginning and the process was sometimes chaotic, I am proud of the result. Together with Petru Rareș students we embroidered on eight pieces of clothing in

Arts Lab 4.0 - Reflection time for 2022

Volunteering in our organization is challenging, with many ups and downs, with a strong connection to the local community, requires a lot of flexibility and commitment, but pays off, providing meaningful memories and lifelong friendships. We are grateful to have an amazing team of eight artists from six countries this year. And as it is almost the end of 2022, we took a moment of evaluation-reflection, to see where we are with the project. Here you have the answers of our volunteers. 1. What did you bring and how did you contribute to Arts Lab 4.0? criticism, rationality, energy, ideas, curiosity, some skills  music, giving concerts, workshop to revive the love for music in children support, help to work with new art materials passion for the art, kindness, involvement, my feelings, my past experiences my vibes art, culture, wisdom connections, energy, feelings, ideas, time, heart my solidarity, my good vibes, my time, my perspective and advises, my ideas, my love, my kindness, my help

Arts Lab 4.0: Month II, Fatma Mohamed Ibrahim Mahmoud - Something new

It’s been two months since I’m living in Romania. The time and days are passing by so fast while we’re doing a lot of things. This month I did my first exhibition here, me and my friend Chiara Gentili created our first video “Păpădie” which is inspired by Romanian folklore, specifically the poem “Miorița”. Also, I did another video inspired by Romanian folklore with the students from Petru Rareș Highschool and the local volunteers. Through working on these videos I learned a lot about Romanian culture, and the most thing that I like is how the people still stick to and love their roots. Now, we started to work on the Cucuteni exhibition. We visited the Cucuteni village and we saw the land and the museum about this civilization. I’m so excited to know and learn about this as I did with the Romanian folklore, and how it will inspire me to create things. Every month has brought something new, whether it’s a challenge, an experience, or a feeling, and this is what keeps me looking forward

Voluntar în Europa - Iasmina Mancaș: O nouă viață

Sunt mai aproape de finalul proiectului, iar nostalgia îşi face simţită prezenţa. La începutul stagiului de voluntariat m-am concentrat mai mult pe dezvoltarea profesională şi pe abilitățile pe care le pot dobândi aici, însă consider că dezvoltarea mea a avut loc mai mult pe plan personal. Am învăţat lucruri despre mine, regăsindu-mă într-un context nou, creându-mi o nouă viaţă de la zero. De la ultimul meu raport, s-au mai adăugat câteva activităţi noi care m-au ajutat să înţeleg mai bine munca din spatele unui ONG. Am participat pentru prima dată la desfăşurarea unui proiect Erasmus KA3, la finalul căruia am înţeles cum funcţionează networkingul, am descoperit organizaţii cu misiuni diverse şi am prezentat unul dintre proiectele mele preferate la care am lucrat vara aceasta “Make youth voice heard”. Acest proiect înseamnă foarte mult pentru mine deoarece are un mesaj puternic în care cred datorită faptului că am conştientizat că tinerii chiar pot face schimbări semnificative în comun

Arts Lab 4.0: Month III, Federica Colzani - Full of experiences

This third month has been more than ever full of experiences.  After the final exposition of the Muzeul Alternativ de Folclor I realized how much work, feelings and effort we put in our activities.  In my case I presented the mural painting, some drawings that I did during the meetings, a canvas that represents 22 characters of folklore and a series of small paintings inspiring by "Păpădie", the video that Ataota, Chiara, Cihan and Wasan realized based on the story of Miorița. All the products and the workshops created by my colleagues were amazing but we know that we could have never had these results without the help of the local volunteers, the experience of the workshops in Petru Rareș highschool and the help we provided each other.  The Folcloristica festival was important too for the realization of MAF: we had the opportunity to see traditional clothes and dances, to listen to traditional songs and to try traditional food. In the same time, the workshops with the childr

Arts Lab 4.0: Month III, Sara Torrijos - Inspiring & creative

When I look at the calendar and see that I have been living in Romania for 3 months already, I can hardly believe it! The last month has been fully of experiences and activities, among them, being involved in the Folcloristica Festival (VIII) the last week of October was an incredible experience where we could see some of the most representative dancing performances of different villages. The Turkish international night was very funny, we could enjoy with the company of the local volunteers and I could see my friends and dance with them. The final exposition of MAF Muzeul Alternativ de Folclor was undoubtedly the most awaited moment for everyone, we worked really hard in our final products, I finished a beautiful board game with 34 cards illustrated by students, friends and local artists in the community. I’m feeling really excited with this project and with the help of Alin, we created the online game. Also, I created the identity of my board game called MYTH, the logotype and identit

Arts Lab 4.0: Month III, Yavuzhan Gumus - Countless

I have completed my third month in Romania, during this period I have participated in many different activities and I met countless nice people. Now we have finished the exhibition and activities for the Alternative Folklore Museum that we have been working on for days. This process was very enjoyable, it helped us to get to know the Romanian culture well. Besides that, we gave people the opportunity to participate in activities where they had fun and learned. At the end of this topic, we had our final exhibition, and thanks to this event, I had the opportunity to reflect on the whole process again. I had the chance to see again what great work my teammates did. I made 22 sculptures inspired by Romanian myths, legends, and stories, that I presented during the exhibition using a non-formal approach. We have the Cucuteni Alternative Museum ahead of us, I can't wait for that. And we started to feel the real winter in Romania, it snowed for the first time. Yavuzhan Gumus is from Turke