Schimb de tineri în Portugalia: Rural By-Pass

Selectăm 6 persoane, cu vârsta 18 +, pentru a participa la un schimb de tineri, în Portugalia, oraşul Beja, în perioada 7-14 octombrie. Cazarea, masa și materialele de training sunt acoperite de organizatori, iar transportul este decontat în limita a 270 euro. Cei care doresc să participe, trebuie să realizeze o activitate sau un eveniment (online sau offline) pe o temă la alegere, în cadrul Centrului de Voluntariat Tîrgu Frumos. Activitatea sau evenimentului poate fi de orice tip (seminar, concurs, atelier, prezentare etc.).

Dacă doreşti să participi în acest proiect şi ai o idee clară de eveniment, te rugăm să ne scrii un mesaj pe Dacă eşti din alt oraş, te aşteptăm cu drag la Tîrgu Frumos ori planifică-ți evenimentul astfel încât să-l poți realiza online.

Mai jos puteţi găsiţi câteva informaţii despre proiect. Dacă aveţi întrebări, le aşteptăm pe și

Because we believe that entrepreneurial skills are key to improve live quality of rural communities, as well we want promote EU Citizenship, EU awareness that can create and bust the perspectives of employability and mobility of young people. By making accessible for young people in disadvantaged or disadvantaged backgrounds new and educative experiences, we want to attenuate the gap on the education about cultural awareness, personal skills and attitudes for the professional future, with this create a mind-set for entrepreneurial attitudes that will lead to better future perspectives on those who already have less opportunities or live on rural areas.

Our objectives are:
- To promote tools that young people can use to become entrepreneurs in their life,
- To provide young people, new and innovative learning experiences to be used in life regarding professional future;
- Empower unemployed young people with fewer opportunities and resources to be competent and successful in their work and develop their entrepreneurial attitude;
- Promote solidarity and tolerance - through a multicultural group, create the atmosphere to share cultures;
- Promote mutual understanding between young people - by promoting the meeting, communication and acceptance of different cultures and cultural backgrounds and including young people with fewer opportunities in a different linguistic environment (where they can get in touch with Portuguese language).
- Empower creativity and develop systems to support youth activities - by promoting the innovative thinking, creativity, entrepreneurship and employability.
- Create A network among participants for future collaborations (through Facebook group)

In this project, composed by only one activity Youth Exchange Programme Countries, will participate 32 young people and youth workers coming from disadvantage social, economical or/and problematic geographical areas and very rural areas. Rural By-Pass will help them to experience and understand that, even if they suffer from lack of opportunities or discrimination, there is a place where they can debate and expose their ideas and beliefs in a free, honest and non prejudicial way. We plan and hope that this activity will go to the encounter of their needs for broadening future perspectives and make them aware of the nonformal training opportunities in their lives. Non-formal learning is a vital and fundamental educational methodology that can facilitate skills acquisition of young people with fewer opportunities.

The methodology of the YE will be built on the holistic approach of non- formal education and learning as well the maieutic approach will be used. Learning by doing, workshops, visits, group debates, group dynamics, ( team building, icebreakers, energizers, tolerance games and role play), lectures, group work, panel discussions, field visits, etc. will be used usually as tools to engage participants actively in the education process.

To this project the participants should be between 18 and 30 years old, with exception of the group leader that should be more than 18 but has no upper age limit. Each national groups is composed by 5 participants and 1 group leader (total of 6).

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