
Se afișează postări cu eticheta Arts_Lab_2.0

Expoziția The Beautiful Fair Town: Momente, de Hanul Choi

 În 2020, am organizat o expoziție numită The Beautiful Fair Town, care a implicat 4 artiști din 4 țări diferite. Expoziția a urmărit să încurajeze tinerii de alte naționalități să identifice cele mai frumoase aspecte ale orașului Târgu Frumos. Aceștia au creat fotografii, filmulețe, au înregistrat sunete și au folosit ceramica pentru a reprezenta frumusețea orașului Târgu Frumos, în propria viziune.  Acest filmuleț a fost realizat de Hanul Choi, din Coreea de Sud. Care este viziunea dvs. despre orașul Târgu Frumos? Ne puteți spune completând acest chestionar:

Arts Lab 2.0 results

Arts Lab 2.0 was a project funded by European Solidarity Corps that involved 4 volunteers passionate about arts, interested in developing themselves: Hanul Choi from Spain, Deniz Ataman from Turkey, Eliana Colzani from Italy and Omar Franco from Spain. The team of volunteer facilitated activities within the youth center of Super Tineri - ASIRYS Association from Târgu Frumos, Iași, Romania. The main results of project were: 1. 4 young European artists developed skills and competences useful for their personal, educational, social, civic and professional growth of by a 8-month volunteering mobility involving creative and artistic activities as film-making, music, photography, ceramic, crafts and other cultural activities. 2. 10 northeastern schools and lyceums learned about volunteering and the European Solidarity Programme. 3. 80 children and young people from rural areas had access to artistic workshops for the personal development.  The project provided the access of young people to

Follow-up Conferința Non-formală de Promovare și Valorificare a Patrimoniului Cultural - Durău

În cadrul proiectului Arts Lab, am solicitat un fond suplimentar pentru a încuraja mai multe organizaţii şi instituţii, în special din mediul rural, din regiunea nord-est să afle despre beneficiile voluntariatului internaţional şi despre oportunităţile oferite de Programul Erasmus Plus. Inițial am dorit să organizăm o singură conferință, însă pandemia ne-a determinat să organizăm 3 evenimente. Prima conferință a avut loc în cadrul Festivalul "Folcloristica", un eveniment ce promovează implicarea tinerilor în protejarea patrimoniul cultural popular, în vara anului 2019. Al doilea eveniment a fost organizat în Târgu Frumos, la final de iulie 2020, iar a treia s-a desfășurat în Durău, în luna septembrie 2020.   În perioada 19-20 septembrie, am organizat în Durău, a treia Conferință Non-formală de Promovare și Valorificare a Patrimoniului Cultural prin Proiecte și Inițiative de Voluntariat în Regiunea Moldova, un eveniment finanțat de Programul Erasmus Plus, cu sprijinul Uniunii

Arts Lab Report: A busy last month

Here is it, my last month of volunteering in Târgu Frumos! It has been a very busy month and also full of new meetings, trips and events.   First we went in Piatra Neamț, where we visited the Cucuteni Museum, that collects ceramics from the Cucuteni civilisation, there we saw different kinds of pots and statues, all decorated with the typical motives and colors. During all the month, together with local volunteers, we went with the caravan to visit the nearby villages where we held our workshops and documented the local artists. We first went to Oțeleni where we met an artisan who is specialized in making  the traditional Ia and a musician who sang two songs and showed his house decorated with traditional objects and textiles. The successive caravan was in Feredeni where the hospitality of the locals was really great. They prepared for us a typical lunch and the Grupul Vocal Hugheșelul, made up of local teenagers and children, sang and danced some traditional songs for the Folcloristic

Arts Lab Report: My last thoughts

 What a strange time we are all passing through. I think nobody was expecting that suddenly the whole living styles we got used to for decades, would change, in one day. We couldn't expect, because we were all doing our things, making plans for ourselves, without realizing the fact, whatever we think about the future, it chooses its own path. Anything unexpected can start, and end in one day. I wasn't expecting to spend my period of pandemic in Romania. It was around this time last year, after graduating from my master's degree on ceramics, when I was thinking of doing the things I love for some time, without rushing. Because for a really long time I was busy with studying and working. I did 2 student exchanges in Europe between those years and they were the most important life events for me in that period. This longing of good times made me think of volunteering, to be in Europe again. I traveled a lot, thanks to my previous job, but spending some days in foreign cities wa

Arts Lab Report: The last sound of music

We started the month traveling to Piatra Neamț, where we visited the Cucuteni museum trying to learn more about this culture.  During the workshops we made a video-clip with the young people of the town, using a popular story inspired by “Cimitirul Vesel”. It was a success. We also continued our visits to nearby towns and villages with Arts Lab Caravan and we had the chance to meet new young artists and artisans.  I think that last month was a great experience for us because we tried to enjoy our time as much as possible knowing that it was time to go home. In this last month we have discovered new things and made new friends. Finally, the last week we had a trip to Iași with the volunteers to learn a little more about art within the Galleries Night exhibitions. We took the opportunity to record the video-clip of the Super Tinerii song that we will present the last day. I want to thank to the organization for all the moments lived and I hope to see you in the future. Written by Omar Fr

Arts Lab Report: Ups & downs of my volunteering journey

It has come down to this. The final monthly report… Maybe. I am sitting here in this room that I had spent living for the last 7 months, sick because of the sudden change of temperature (not because of COVID). September was a very dramatic month for sure. After coming back from the Holiday, everything felt more accelerated. I was preparing a lot of things for the organization: Caravan workshops, editing videos about conferences and folkloristicas, intercultural night. By this month I was exhausted and depressed. I was struggling to find a proper motivation to continue with the project and felt alone in the house. Thankfully, there were people in my life who helped me to finish the project. When it felt like I had no one to talk to, there was Nikolia and Mona, my tutor and one of the local volunteer. They were willing to listen to me and provided me proper care. I am forever grateful for their actions and when it felt quite hopeless, I had a new motivation: To finish the project for the

Arts Lab Report: Exploring Romania

August was a month full of travels and visits to new places!  Together with local volunteers we started to go to the nearby villages to try our workshops with local children and teenagers. The first place we visited was Butea, there we stayed in the local school for the workshops, than we had the opportunity to meet  and document the work of some local artists for the Folcloristica festival.  It was very interesting to know them and to learn about their music and their art. They showed us a room of their house which was decorated according to tradition, with hand-made clothes and they sang and dance some traditional songs. I really like to meet passionate artists who showed us their work and thanks to them I can say I learnt something new about the art and music in Romania. During all the month, in addition to the other activities, I continued the photography and crafting workshops in the youth center with local volunteers and I thought them how to make jewellery with wires.  August wa