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Culture Mixture - training in Portugal

Căutăm 2 participanţi pentru proiectul "Culture Mixture", din Portugalia, ce se va derula în perioada 4-12 septembrie. 

Pentru a aplica este nevoie să parcurgeţi 3 paşi:
    * să ne trimiteţi o fotografie, cu o descriere personală,
    * să realizaţi activităţi de voluntariat (online sau offline) în cadrul organizaţiei noastre, înainte şi după proiect,
    * să completaţi acest formular: PORTUGALIA

Adresa la care trebuie să ne trimiteţi aplicaţia voastră este voluntarasirys@gmail.com.

Vă rugăm să luaţi în considerare următoarele aspecte:

- înainte de aplica, asiguraţi-vă că ştiţi ce presupune un proiect internaţional, în acest sens citiţi cu atenţie detaliile despre proiect (mai jos) şi acest articol: www.asirys.blogspot.ro/2013/07/ghidul-voluntarului-care-participa.html
- dacă vor fi mai multe solicitări, îi vom alege pe cei mai activi aplicanţi, totuşi dacă aţi realizat activităţi, veţi primi un anumit punctaj care vă va asigura un loc în alte proiecte pentru care veţi aplica,
- organizaţia noastră nu percepe niciun fel de taxă de participare; cazarea şi masa sunt asigurate 100%, iar transportul va fi decontat în proporţie de 100% (dacă vă încadraţi în buget) de către organizaţia din Portugalia,
- după finalizarea trainingului veţi completa un formular de evaluare a proiectului şi veţi implementa activităţile de diseminare pe care ni le-aţi propus.  

 ”Culture  Mixture”- Training course on ambiguity and cultural challenges within local and international youth work activities in EU  countries will be held at 04 - 12 September 2014, in  Beja, Portugal. The overall aim of the Training Course: The aim is to analyze why some projects work and others don't. What could have been done differently? Learning from mistakes is possible when we first notice the mistake and admit that we made it. During this training course we will be analyzing how to carry out a successful project. The world gets increasingly interconnected through globalization and individuals or different cultural backgrounds interact with each other in all spheres of life more intensively than before. This integration is increasingly exposing people to different values and ways of thinking and that's why cultural impacts cannot be avoided.
The “CULTURE MIXTURE” objectives:
- individual assessment of cultural identity and reactions on ambiguity
- recognizing cultural impact on individuals and cultural impact on local community;
- exploring cultural challenges within youth work activities locally and international level;
- collecting good practices to tackle cultural challenges locally and international level;
- inventing new youth exchange projects in order to put theories on intercultural learning into international youth work practice according to the proposals of KA1 Mobility projects for young people and youth workers within Erasmus + programme.

There will be an inter-cultural evening during the programme.  You will have the opportunity to ‘present’ your own culture.  Your culture may be represented by a song, a story, a poem, a dance, some drink or food. You may bring pictures, music or anything which you consider to be appropriate.  We appreciate your finding new and/or creative ways to represent your culture.  

We are very keen however that you do not fall into the ‘trap’ of becoming a representative for the ‘Tourist Board’ in your country, e.g., promotional videos, power point, long presentations, etc.  Each country will be given a space and short time to present their culture.  We will provide you with information on this.  Please also note that some ‘local representatives’ may attend and thus the Intercultural evening may take on extra significance but we will keep you informed of developments regarding this.  

Weather: http://www.accuweather.com/en/pt/beja/272115/weather-forecast/272115

Board, lodging and programme costs will be covered by funding from the PT National Agency.  However, please ensure you have money to cover drinks, telephone, taxi fares, etc, during free (non-programme) time. 

We have a budget for travel costs.  In accordance with the conditions of the ERASMUS + Programme we can only refund (up to the maximum agreed budget for your country), if the following points are fulfilled:
Your travel route is from your home town (if you happen to be travelling from another country because you are perhaps on holiday or at a seminar, etc, please contact us as soon as possible) to the venue in Beja, Portugal and back.
You have chosen reasonable and economic means of transportation (e.g. APEX or student fares for flight tickets, cheap airlines, 2nd class trains). 

Your travel dates are according to the dates of the programme (arrival in advance or departure after the programme is possible but please contact let us know about this as we may have to check with the NA about this) or if you travel earlier or return later by proving transfer is cheaper.
You have a receipt or invoice for the cost of your plane ticket and the boarding cards or the train tickets.

Below is a breakdown of travel costs.  When we applied to the PT NA we budgeted for travel costs to and from Beja at 100%.  We based this on estimated costs at the time of application.  As is normal with funding rule under ERASMUS + programmes the maximum travel we can reimburse participants:

The training course will take place at the Hotel Francis - Beja. The dates of the training are from THURSDAY 04th SEPTEMBER (arrival day) to FRIDAY 12th SEPTEMBER (departure day) 2014.  You can of course arrive earlier and leave later if you want to spend some time in Beja and/or surrounding areas but please discuss this with us first if you haven’t already done so we can advise you on the recommended number of additional days as it can sometimes be a ‘problem’ for National Agencies. 
If you arrive earlier or stay longer we can’t cover the cost of any your accommodation but we can advise you on options as to where you might be able to go.  The venue where you will stay is overleaf.

Lisboa – Beja
Hotel Francis

CULTURE MIXTURE – what to bring
Essential items
Travel insurance document
Personal travel / spending money (suggested 50€)
Receipts, invoices, tickets, boarding passes relating to your travel

For the programme (see programme outline)
Information about your organisation and projects
An energiser or icebreaker activity???
An activity for the intercultural evening
A large flag of your country
Phone numbers of next of kin
Mobile phone and charger
Small bag or rucksack
Plug adapter (if required – Euro type)

Everyday clothing
 tracksuit (for cooler evenings)
Clothing suitable for outdoor activities
Shoes / trainers (also suitable for outdoors and walking)

Toothbrush & toothpaste
Shower gel / shampoo/ Soap
Hair brush
Glasses / lenses etc (if required)
Shaving set (if required)
Personal medication (if required)

Your good energy and fun     

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