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Dissemination Events: Sports Activator in Eskişehir, Turkey

Buse Karakaya organised a dissemination event for Sports Activator project in Eskişehir, Turkey. Her activity involved 22 people between 19-29 years and consisted in two parts. In the first part, Buse talked about Erasmus+ Sport Programme, Sports Activator project and her experience during the mobility. She showed to the students photos from the activities while she was talking about the countries of the others international volunteers. Also, she discussed about healthy lifestyle and she gave them a healthy pudding recipe. In the second part, Buse played with the students the games and energizers that she learned in Romania during the project. The participants said that they enjoyed Buse's activity and took notes about Erasmus opportunities. There were also people that said that they are going to look for Erasmus projects.   Sports Activator is co-funded by Erasmus+ Sport Programme, with the support of the European Union. Sports Activator project had two main meetings in Romania, w

Dissemination Events: Sports Activator in Eskişehir, Turkey

Serkan Berber organised a dissemination event for Sports Activator project at Eskişehir University in Turkey. He presented Sports Activator to 30 students from the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports, that experienced the games that he learned in Romania during the seminar of July 2019. The 30 students learned more about Erasmus+ Sport Programme and discovered new games that they are going to use later on in their sport careers.   Sports Activator is co-funded by Erasmus+ Sport Programme, with the support of the European Union. Sports Activator project had two main meetings in Romania, which involved more than 70 participants from 8 countries and different communities. We managed to gather together sport teachers, trainers, youth workers, volunteers, coaches, people involved in sport clubs and different participants with various backgrounds in the sports field.    One of the meetings objectives was to create a toolbox with helpful information about a healthy lifestyle, nutrition,

Dissemination Events: Sports Activator in Marmara, Turkey

Cengiz Arslan organised a dissemination event for Sports Activator project at Marmara University in Turkey. He presented Sports Activator to more than 25 students that discovered examples of non-formal methods and learned more about teamwork and about the games he designed in Romania together with the other international volunteers. In the last part of the event, Cengiz answered the student's questions about EVS projects and Sports Activator project. Also, he promoted the project's Facebook page and shared brochures about the EVS. After the event, he met other students in the university garden and shared information about healthy lifestyles and sports.    The impact of the dissemination activity made the voluntary activities heard and spread. In this way the students learned how to participate in voluntary projects and they became interested in voluntary activities in Romania and other countries.   Sports Activator is co-funded by Erasmus+ Sport Programme, with the support of t

Dissemination Events: Sports Activator in Antakya Hatay, Turkey

In Antakya, Hatay, Turkey, Sports Activator was implemented with 18 adults and 64 students, a total of 82 people participated. They were informed about the Sports Activator project that took place in Romania and about Erasmus+. They created a day dedicated to Sports Activator. As they were already aware of the value of sports activities, the event has been important to share different cultural activities. The dissemination had a good impact. İrfan Kalin said that they were excited to hear about the Romanian project and eager to start the activities.   Sports Activator is co-funded by Erasmus+ Sport Programme, with the support of the European Union. Sports Activator project had two main meetings in Romania, which involved more than 70 participants from 8 countries and different communities. We managed to gather together sport teachers, trainers, youth workers, volunteers, coaches, people involved in sport clubs and different participants with various backgrounds in the sports field.   

Dissemination Events: Sports Activator in Şanlıurfa, Turkey

20 of Ebru Buz’s students took part of Sports Activator in Şanlıurfa, Turkey. Erasmus+ Programme and Sports Activator from Romania were presented in the first part. They discussed the importance of eating healthily and being active. Afterwards, the students took part in the sports activities prepared. Most of them showed an interest in the information regarding Erasmus+ and sports activities. Some were interested in improving their English and attending future Erasmus projects. Ebru was pleased to see her students asking for more materials. In the feedback, Ebru mentioned that her students ”really love sports, so it was easy and funny to get their attention.”   Sports Activator is co-funded by Erasmus+ Sport Programme, with the support of the European Union. Sports Activator project had two main meetings in Romania, which involved more than 70 participants from 8 countries and different communities. We managed to gather together sport teachers, trainers, youth workers, volunteers, coac

Dissemination Events: Sports Activator in Sakarya and Istanbul, Turkey

Sports Activator was presented and discussed to raise awareness. Four people attended the dissemination, one of the individuals was visually impaired. Elif Nur Güngörmez is a member of the cycling group in Istanbul that involves visually impaired individuals to participate in long rides. Elif scheduled for Sports Activator a tour between Sakarya and Istanbul with two tandem bicycles. She applied the activities learned in Romania to motivate the participants to socialize and have fun. They created video material about the experience and shared it on Facebook. The impact was great, as one of the participants stated that “This activity helped me throw stress, albeit, in one day.” While the other said that “The tour was awesome, we saw a new place and meet some people.”   Sports Activator is co-funded by Erasmus+ Sport Programme, with the support of the European Union.   Sports Activator project had two main meetings in Romania, which involved more than 70 participants from 8 countries and

Dissemination Events: Sports Activator in İskenderun, Turkey

In İskenderun, Turkey, Sports Activator was held at a secondary school and high school. Duran Bilgin involved diverse local organizations, also a motocross team and planned activities such as motocross, football, volleyball and basketball matches. The event had a positive effect and enhanced self-confidence. At the activities there were involved more than 100 participants. The programme was a step towards achieving the general objectives to improve, to modernize the education, training and youth systems.    Sports Activator is co-funded by Erasmus+ Sport Programme, with the support of the European Union.   Sports Activator project had two main meetings in Romania, which involved more than 70 participants from 8 countries and different communities. We managed to gather together sport teachers, trainers, youth workers, volunteers, coaches, people involved in sport clubs and different participants with various backgrounds in the sports field.    One of the meetings objectives was to creat

Dissemination Events: Sports Activator in Adana, Turkey

Sports Activator was presented in Adana, Turkey, at school to 15 pupils and one teacher. It was prepared an introductory board that included the name of the project, the countries’ flags, photos from the project held in Romania and information regarding Erasmus +. Elif Ipek Demir mentioned that she shared her experience about the project and encouraged the participants to do more sports activities, eat healthier. Pupils had to share their thoughts by writing an essay, a poem or an article in English or Turkish. The participants offered positive feedback, they understood the importance of practising sports and having a healthy lifestyle. They were impressed by the project and would like in the future to be involved in similar ones.   Sports Activator is co-funded by Erasmus+ Sport Programme, with the support of the European Union. Sports Activator project had two main meetings in Romania, which involved more than 70 participants from 8 countries and different communities. We managed to

Dissemination Events: Sports Activator in Istanbul, Turkey

Pinar Çorbacioğlu held in Istanbul, Turkey, a conference at a school to talk about Erasmus+ Programme and Sports Activator.  Pinar shared with the public the experience that she had in Romania. During the discussion 20 people participated in which they learned more regarding the importance of eating healthily and being active. Afterwards, they all had a session of Yoga poses and of Zumba. The sports activities outdoor consisted in matches of Chinese football and frisbee.  At the end to every participant was given a sticker of sports activator. The performed activities worked as a motivator, most of the participants showed interest and decided to be more active.  IMPRESSIONS form the participants  “It was funny, exciting”  “I have learned new games that are chinese football, frisbee”  “I have new information”  “We had a great time”  “We loved this activity so much”  “It motivated me to keep swimming”    Sports Activator is co-funded by Erasmus+ Sport Programme, with the support of the

Arts Lab report: The learning achievements of April

Well, time passes. It's the natural rule of the universe, and none of us humans are able to change it. The only thing we can do is to adapt ourselves to the unimaginable schedule of time.  My second month passed as well. Days have become longer, the season changed, the nature' passion for development has become more clear. I also developed... well, this is not a surprise. I am part of nature.  It was a strange month, nothing seemed to happen, but so many things happened. I changed a lot.  It started like the previous month, I was in isolation with my 3 housemates. We were continuing the tasks which Mihaela gave us, trying to be productive and reach as many people as possible. I kept creating the menu for the youth center cafeteria, and drawing other things on my computer. I can safely say that I wasn't enjoying digital drawing so much before, but I figured out it was only lack of practice. More I draw on the computer, the more I like it. This was a new discovery about me, t

People of Arts Lab: Deniz Ataman

I was born near the sea, in a windy autumn day. Since then, I’ve been addicted to that big beautiful blueness, embodied also in my name. I am always exploring different dreams. I’m like the water, changing every day. I lived in many different cities, met with people from all around the world, but my best place in the world is the shore. I feel there much more grounded rather than any place in the world. It’s not surprising that I’ve chosen art for my major interest. The artists are the craziest, but also the most brave people. I’m trying to explore different ways of art for expression. I’m sure my journey in this is something that will never end. #storiesofvolunteers #artslab #europeansolidaritycorps #meetourvolunteers #supertineri #asirys Arts Lab 2.0 is a project funded by European Solidarity Corps, with the support of European Union. 

Approved KA2: Empowering Youth in Uganda through EVS

Empowering Youth in Uganda through EVS is a KA2 - Capacity Building project, financed by Erasmus +. The project consists of 12 main activities, 2 transnational meetings and 2 mobility of youth workers activities.  Activity 1: Creation of Project Management Tools and Settlement of the Project . Activity 2: Transnational Meeting in Kampala, Uganda (4th Month) The transnational meeting will be based on round table discussions and study visits to the Ugandan organization's sites to see how the situation is and what can be useful to implement with the involvement of EVS volunteers. Every organization will involve one participant who will be responsible for dealing with the recruitment of volunteers as well as educational materials. We will create a work plan for the project, deliverables and check the measurables during the project. Activity 3: Development of Educational Material and E-learning Module (3th – 6th Month) Activity 4: E-learning module   (6th – 8th Month) The participa