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Arts Lab 5.0: Call for volunteers!

  Maybe you should come. Volunteers and a lot of art, here we work with love. Did you listen the (up) song created by our former volunteers? This is an open invitation to join the fifth edition of Arts Lab in Târgu Frumos! 🎭 If you are an artist (18 to 30 years old), no matter your level of experience or education, then the Arts Lab 5.0 project may be for you! 📓 To apply, it is required to fill in this form:   Check the info-pack on Canva or if you are on your phone, this PDF link . Arts Lab 5.0. Info-pack by supertineri

Call for Arts Lab 2.0. volunteers

We are looking for 4  1 volunteer, aged between 18 and 30, from European Union countries, to be part of 8-month European Solidarity Corps volunteering mobility, in Tîrgu Frumos, Iaşi, Romania. The project is addressing youth passionate about crafting, film, dance, painting, music, photography, cooking, theater and/or other artistic or cultural activities. The topics of the project are social inclusion, cultural heritage, creativity and culture. The volunteering activities will be diverse and involve the development of social, intercultural, civic and entrepreneurial skills and competences. Some of the activities that the 4 volunteers will carry out are: Youth center workshops & Events : You will develop your own workshops, events and activities based on your passions, ideas, learning needs, for the youth of local community.  Conference & Folcloristica Festival : Organized in March 2020, the conference will gather 30 youth workers, active volunteers and teachers from no

Call for Volunteers: Arts Lab Erasmus+ 6 months mobility

We are looking for 4 young people, aged between 18 and 30, from European Union countries, to be part of 6-month Erasmus+ volunteering mobility, in Tîrgu Frumos, Iaşi, Romania. The project is adressing youth passionate about dance, painting, music, photography, cooking, crafts and/or other cultural activities. The topics of the project are social inclusion, cultural heritage, creativity and culture. The volunteering activities will be diverse and involve the development of social, intercultural, civic and entrepreneurial skills and competences. Some of the activities that the 4 volunteers will carry out are: a caravan promoting non-formal education and European volunteering in 5 communities,   developing a personal project in the cultural field, artistic workshops, develop and promote the Experiential Rroma Museum,   organization of a conference to promote volunteering and the Erasmus + program among young people and youth leaders from several communities in the region.