Training în Moldova - 7-14 octombrie 2013
Căutăm 2 voluntari activi, care să participe la acest trainingul "Europe is us" organizat în Republica Moldova. Suntem deja la a şaselea proiect de cooperare cu Republica Moldova, primul proiect la care am participat fiind în septembrie 2012.
Cum poţi aplica?
Înainte de a trimite un email pe adresa: am vrea să ne asigurăm că ştii care sunt condiţiile de participare într-un proiect internaţional SUPER TINERI, astfel că te invităm să consulţi acest ghid:!
Apoi te invităm să te înscrii în baza de date a organizaţiei:
ASIRYS nu percepe niciun fel de taxă de participare sau pregătire, în schimb solicită implicarea activă a celor ce doresc să participe în proiectele organizaţiei. Vom aprecia dacă ne trimiţi CVul, dar nu e suficient, pentru că pentru noi sunt importante faptele!
În general, pentru a accepta participanţi în proiectele noastre, le propunem să realizeze câteva activităţi. Activităţile pot fi: scrierea unui articol, realizarea unei prezentări a organizaţiei sau a unui domeniu de interes pentru proiect, a unui foto-reportaj, promovarea paginii noastre de facebook ( sau orice altă activitate de voluntariat ce s-ar potrivi contextului şi/sau nevoilor organizaţiei. Foarte important: apreciem iniţiativa şi atunci când potenţialii candidaţi propun activităţile pe care ar dori să le realizeze în ASIRYS!
Acestea fiind spuse, dacă vrei să participi în acest email, scrie-ne pe
Mai multe detalii despre eveniment găsiţi mai jos!
INFO about the PROJECT
The TC " Europe is US" aims at supporting the professional development of 30 youth workers and leaders from 10 countries by extending their competencies on European Citizenship and encourage them to integrate elements of European citizenship into their daily work with young people as well as within the framework of Youth in Action program activities. The training team seeks to achieve this aim through critical exploration of European Citizenship and its relevance in youth work as well as an active democratic society and by providing information about the current discourse on European Citizenship (its concepts, formal meanings, geographical and historical background and expressions). By exemplifying the connection between European Citizenship, Human Rights and Democracy as well as the underlying values the training will highlight the specific characteristic of European Citizenship as a complementary rather than an exclusive identity, disassociated from belonging to a particular territory. Furthermore the training will promote Youth in Action program as a tool supporting youth work on European Citizenship. Representing the EU and EECA region participants will be able to discuss the Europe from different perspectives.
The project is looking to achieve the following objectives:
- to explore the diversity of understanding of European Union, Europe and European Citizenship
- to explore the European Citizenship concept, values and dimensions
- to discuss the European Citizenship in Youth work and put it in action.
- to introduce Youth in Action Programme and the possibilities of cooperation with Neighbouring Countries.
- to design new innovative youth projects on European Citizenship theme and strengthen their quality by providing support and information.
Profile of participants:
Young people/ youth workers from youth organizations
Motivated to learn about European citizenship and European Dimension
The official language of the TC is English, please get sure your participants do speak this language.
The age limit is +18. Please do not select participants under 18 year-old.
Dates: 07 October – 14 October 2013 (07 October – arrival, 14 October - departure). If you decide to come earlier to leave later, you will be responsible for your stay. The check in starts from 16 PM.
Place: Costeşti, Chişinău, Republic of Moldova
Participants will be hosted in the recreation complex ,,Satul de Vacanta” in Costeşti, Chişinău, Republic of Moldova.
For more information about hotel check: You will share a double or triple room with all the facilities inside (bath, TV, air-condition).
You will be responsible to reach the hotel by your own. A detailed guide map will be provided.
Regarding the Travel Reimbursement – 70% of your travel expenses will be reimbursed based on the Youth in Action rules and in the limits of the indicated travel budget. It will be made on spot based on the original travel documents such us: ticket, invoice and boarding passes.
No reimburcement wihtout veridic documents.
The insurance will be on your own responsibility, without being reimbursed but we advise to have it.
What to bring ….mmmmmm
For Intercultural Night – you are requested to bring things (buckets, music, food, drinks) that represent your country and your own identity. We do believe that you have a lot of thinks to say, show and share – so don’t be lazy to take them in Moldova.
For Organizations’ presentation – it will be nice if you can bring something touchable but the most important is to get sure you have enough information to present your organization. (P.S. Get sure you know what your organization is all about)
For Yourself – if you have special needs please be sure you are taking them with you.
For All of Us – take your good mood, energy, motivation and be ready for a great project !!!
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