Call for Training Course in Yerevan
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Căutăm 3 participanţi pentru a ne reprezenta la trainingul Youth participation outside the ballot box, proiect care se va desfăşura în Erevan, Armenia în perioada 15 - 22 august 2014 şi care va fi organizat de Silba, o asociaţie daneză. Mai multe detalii despre proiect puteţi găsi mai jos.
Pentru a aplica este nevoie să parcurgeţi 3 paşi:
* să ne propuneţi şi să realizaţi cel puţin o activitate de voluntariat, la alegere, în cadrul organizaţiei noastre (atenţie: voi sunteţi cei care aleg/propun activitatea de voluntariat, iar aceasta trebuie realizată înainte de a pleca în proiect, iar SUPER TINERI trebuie implicată),
* să ne trimiteţi un plan de implicare în diseminarea/promovarea rezultatelor proiectului, ce va fi implementat după ce vă veţi întoarce în ţară.
* să completaţi acest formular: Armenia
Adresa la care trebuie să ne trimiteţi aplicaţia voastră este
Vă rugăm să luaţi în considerare următoarele aspecte:
- înainte de aplica, asiguraţi-vă că ştiţi ce presupune un proiect internaţional, în acest sens citiţi cu atenţie detaliile despre proiect (mai jos) şi acest articol:
- dacă vor fi mai multe solicitări, îi vom alege pe cei mai activi aplicanţi, totuşi dacă aţi realizat activităţi, veţi primi un anumit punctaj care vă va asigura un loc în alte proiecte pentru care veţi aplica,
- organizaţia noastră nu percepe niciun fel de taxă de participare; cazarea şi masa sunt asigurate 100%, iar transportul va fi decontat în proporţie de 70% de către organizaţia din Armenia,
- după finalizarea trainingului veţi completa un formular de evaluare a proiectului şi veţi implementa activităţile de diseminare pe care ni le-aţi propus.
Call for participants for EU training course Youth participation outside the ballot box, August 15th-22nd in Yerevan, Armenia
“For more than 20 years now, growing up in Europe has equaled being a democratic citizen. That is symbolized by the act of going to the ballot box on election day every four or five year to vote for your representative in parliament. This is the same picture all over Europe – both in the EU and in their neighboring countries towards the East, the former Soviet Union.
But what about what takes place in between the visits to the ballot box? How do people act out democracy, enact their rights and help build a well functioning civil society? And what is the role of society's future, the young people, in all this? How are they acting out being democratic citizens? And how can we ensure that they will build a strong and well functioning democratic Europe in the future?
This training course, Youth participation outside the ballot box, will explore the role and possibilities of young Europeans when it comes to being active, democratic citizens outside the ballot box. It will be done by inviting organizations from 8 different countries from both Western and Eastern Europe. Through a training course the participants will be encouraged to investigate, explore, reflect and share their experiences, thoughts and tools of their daily work with young people in civil society. The participants will be challenged into thinking in innovative, creative and alternative ways of understanding activism, democracy, youth and the possibilities of both their local and national democratic realities. Different non-formal learning methods will be used to open the participant's eyes to the many different realities democracies in Europe are facing. The training course will take place from August 15th to the 22nd in Yerevan, Armenia and organizations from Denmark, Germany, Netherlands, Romania, Moldova, Ukraine, Georgia and Armenia will take part.”
Our expectations of you as a participants will be that you are engaged in the project and that you can contribute to the reach the objectives of the seminar. We will therefore aim to select people with experience in doing projects and with motivation with regards to learning more about how to motivate young people to become active citizens. You do not need to have any specific educational level, as long as you have a reflected idea of participation and why to participate. We require that you are able to communicate in English on an high level .
We will likewise aim to get an equal gender balance by having this in mind when selecting participants.
Date and place: August 15th- 22nd in Yerevan, Armenia
Age: 20-30 years old
Number of participants selected: 3 participants/organisation
Expenses: Food and accommodation will be provided by the European Commission.
The participants can get their travel expenses covered up to:
530 euros travelling from Denmark
530 euros travelling from Netherlands
0 euros travelling from Armenia
180 euros travelling from Georgia
275 euros travelling from Moldova
275 euros travelling from Romania
275 euros travelling from Ukraine
360 euros travelling from Germany
Please note that no flights should be booked before the participants get confirmation about their participation.
Application is done by filling out this application form and sending it to Application deadline: 30/06/2014.
Căutăm 3 participanţi pentru a ne reprezenta la trainingul Youth participation outside the ballot box, proiect care se va desfăşura în Erevan, Armenia în perioada 15 - 22 august 2014 şi care va fi organizat de Silba, o asociaţie daneză. Mai multe detalii despre proiect puteţi găsi mai jos.
Pentru a aplica este nevoie să parcurgeţi 3 paşi:
* să ne propuneţi şi să realizaţi cel puţin o activitate de voluntariat, la alegere, în cadrul organizaţiei noastre (atenţie: voi sunteţi cei care aleg/propun activitatea de voluntariat, iar aceasta trebuie realizată înainte de a pleca în proiect, iar SUPER TINERI trebuie implicată),
* să ne trimiteţi un plan de implicare în diseminarea/promovarea rezultatelor proiectului, ce va fi implementat după ce vă veţi întoarce în ţară.
* să completaţi acest formular: Armenia
Adresa la care trebuie să ne trimiteţi aplicaţia voastră este
Vă rugăm să luaţi în considerare următoarele aspecte:
- înainte de aplica, asiguraţi-vă că ştiţi ce presupune un proiect internaţional, în acest sens citiţi cu atenţie detaliile despre proiect (mai jos) şi acest articol:
- dacă vor fi mai multe solicitări, îi vom alege pe cei mai activi aplicanţi, totuşi dacă aţi realizat activităţi, veţi primi un anumit punctaj care vă va asigura un loc în alte proiecte pentru care veţi aplica,
- organizaţia noastră nu percepe niciun fel de taxă de participare; cazarea şi masa sunt asigurate 100%, iar transportul va fi decontat în proporţie de 70% de către organizaţia din Armenia,
- după finalizarea trainingului veţi completa un formular de evaluare a proiectului şi veţi implementa activităţile de diseminare pe care ni le-aţi propus.
Call for participants for EU training course Youth participation outside the ballot box, August 15th-22nd in Yerevan, Armenia
“For more than 20 years now, growing up in Europe has equaled being a democratic citizen. That is symbolized by the act of going to the ballot box on election day every four or five year to vote for your representative in parliament. This is the same picture all over Europe – both in the EU and in their neighboring countries towards the East, the former Soviet Union.
But what about what takes place in between the visits to the ballot box? How do people act out democracy, enact their rights and help build a well functioning civil society? And what is the role of society's future, the young people, in all this? How are they acting out being democratic citizens? And how can we ensure that they will build a strong and well functioning democratic Europe in the future?
This training course, Youth participation outside the ballot box, will explore the role and possibilities of young Europeans when it comes to being active, democratic citizens outside the ballot box. It will be done by inviting organizations from 8 different countries from both Western and Eastern Europe. Through a training course the participants will be encouraged to investigate, explore, reflect and share their experiences, thoughts and tools of their daily work with young people in civil society. The participants will be challenged into thinking in innovative, creative and alternative ways of understanding activism, democracy, youth and the possibilities of both their local and national democratic realities. Different non-formal learning methods will be used to open the participant's eyes to the many different realities democracies in Europe are facing. The training course will take place from August 15th to the 22nd in Yerevan, Armenia and organizations from Denmark, Germany, Netherlands, Romania, Moldova, Ukraine, Georgia and Armenia will take part.”
Our expectations of you as a participants will be that you are engaged in the project and that you can contribute to the reach the objectives of the seminar. We will therefore aim to select people with experience in doing projects and with motivation with regards to learning more about how to motivate young people to become active citizens. You do not need to have any specific educational level, as long as you have a reflected idea of participation and why to participate. We require that you are able to communicate in English on an high level .
We will likewise aim to get an equal gender balance by having this in mind when selecting participants.
Date and place: August 15th- 22nd in Yerevan, Armenia
Age: 20-30 years old
Number of participants selected: 3 participants/organisation
Expenses: Food and accommodation will be provided by the European Commission.
The participants can get their travel expenses covered up to:
530 euros travelling from Denmark
530 euros travelling from Netherlands
0 euros travelling from Armenia
180 euros travelling from Georgia
275 euros travelling from Moldova
275 euros travelling from Romania
275 euros travelling from Ukraine
360 euros travelling from Germany
Please note that no flights should be booked before the participants get confirmation about their participation.
Application is done by filling out this application form and sending it to Application deadline: 30/06/2014.