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Call for participants: Training in Mugla, Turkey

Căutăm 3 participanţi 1 participant pentru a ne reprezenta la un training în Mugla, Turcia. Pentru a participa e nevoie să realizaţi cel puţin 2 activităţi de voluntariat înainte şi după proiect, în cadrul Asociaţiei SUPER TINERI (ASIRYS). Aceste activităţi vor fi stabilite de comun acord. Dacă sunteţi interesaţi, vă rugăm să completaţi chestionarul şi să ni-l trimiteţi pe adresa voluntarasirys@gmail.com, până la data de 15 25 octombrie 2014. Asociaţia noastră nu percepe taxe de participare, iar costurile de cazare, masă, activitate şi transport sunt suportate 100% (transportul în limita a 275 de euro). Costurile de transport trebuie înaintate de participanţi, ulterior fiind decontate.

Health is our lifestyle is a KA1 project that will be coordinated by Province Directorate of Youth Services and Sport Mugla. Training course which is type of ”Training course and networking which intend to youth workers'' will be realized between November 4 - 10, 2014 in Mugla/Turkey. In the training course which will be realized with 24 youth workers from 8 different countries, 3 supporting staffs and 3 trainers, Healthy lifestyle, wellbeing and non-formal/informal learning activities will be arranged.

Our aim in project is to encourage healthy life and to spread popularity of non-formal education to large community. According to this aim, by using non-formal education methods, some activities which is giving information about healthy life and non-formal/informal learning and awareness will be carried on.

According to gain of project, firstly it will be provided that enhance capacity of youth workers and partners and then spread healthy life and non-formal/informal learning thanks to transfering information which they learnt in project to youth and volunteers in the activities.

Hosting Organization
Province Directorate of Youth Services and Sport Mugla consists of Mugla Youth Centre as well as Mugla Sports Centre.
Mugla Youth Centre provides young people with a lot of opportunities to spend their free time with the aim of providing quality free time for young people in Mugla and at the same time offering them the possibility of improving their social skills.

Young people between the ages of 14 - 29 can participate in social, cultural and sport activities that are offered throughout the year. They can also benefit from the center’s offers free of charge, including projects, trainings, campaigns and seminars. At the same time the young people are encouraged to develop their own ideas and make them come true with the help of the Youth Centre.

Mugla Sports Centre provides many different sport courses for different age groups throughout the year. Sport courses offered are e.g. Athletism, Badminton, Volleyball, Pilates, Taekwondo, Karate, Kickboxing, Basketball, Cycling, Football, Table Tennis and Tennis. The aim is to improve the health awareness of the participants as well as their social skills.

Participating Countries and Travel Limits
(Age limit: 18-30, Exceptional age limit: 30+)
Ø Bulgaria: Centar za mejdunarodna mladejka deinost – 3 participants
o Travel limit: 275 Euro per participant
Ø Italy: Young Effect Association – 3 participants
o Travel limit: 275 Euro per participant
Ø Spain: Asociación las niñas del tul – 3 participants
o 360 Euro per participant
Ø Lithuania: ASOCIACIJA "AKTYVISTAI – 3 participants
o 360 Euro per participant
Ø Portugal: Erasmus Student Network Minho – 3 participants
o 530 Euro per participant
Ø Romania: Asociatia SUPER TINERI (ASIRYS) – 3 participants
o 275 Euro per participant
Ø Poland: Fundacja Cherry Home – 3 participants
o 275 Euro per participant

Ø Official language of the training is English.
Ø Participants should be present throughout the whole duration of the training in order to be eligible to receive the Youthpass certificate and reimbursement.
Ø Intercultural evening will be organized during the first days of the programme and national food, drinks, snacks, sweets and national symbols (e.g. flag) should be brought in order to present partner countries. Very short presentations of countries will be done in creative way.
Ø You should bring documents (flyer, poster ext.) about your organization.
Ø Participants should prepare themselves for active participation during the training.
Ø You need to have travel and health insurance before coming. Insurances will be under your responsibility. Please inform us, when you have it.
Ø At least 1 female or 1 male should be in the team.
Ø If you have any special health condition or some special dietary requirements, please let us know.
Ø Participants buy their tickets by themselves. Economic flight tickets, buses, trains and local transportations are available with invoices and boarding passes. Taxi and private car expenses don’t allow.
Ø We will reimburse the participants, after we have all invoices and boarding passes.
Ø Accommodation will be in a hotel in Mugla city center. 2 or 3 participants from different countries will share a room during the project.
Ø We suggest you bring sportive clothes.
Ø If you need visa, you can buy it at the airport or as online. The link for online visa: https://www.evisa.gov.tr/en/
Ø You should arrive BODRUM (BJV Milas-Bodrum) Airport.
Bodrum airport to Mugla timetable:
06:00 – 08:30 – 11:00 – 13:30 – 16:00 – 18:30 – 21:00
Website: http://muttas.com.tr/hizmetlerimiz/havaalani-yolcu-tasimaciligi#menteşe
You can’t buy tickets online; you can buy tickets in the bus.
If you arrive later than 21:00, we can contact with travel agency but it can be more expensive.

The province of Mugla is located in the Western part of Turkey, at the intersection point of the Aegean and Mediterranean Sea. It has the most significant beach resorts of Turkey like Bodrum, Marmaris, Fethiye, Datca and Koycegiz. Its coasts have a total length of 1100 km, making it the longest coast line in Turkey.
Mugla hosts more than 3 ,5 million foreign tourists and local tourists every year, thanks to its high quality touristic infrastructure. The touristic strength of Mugla Province makes it one of the richest provinces in Turkey.

Mugla City is a city where you can enjoy four seasons at the same time. One day you can enjoy the sun at Gökova Bay, the other day you can enjoy the snow on the mountain Yilanli that is only 30 min. away. The small size of the city as well as its safe environment make it a good place for living. So far volunteers staying in Mugla experienced it as an open-minded region with friendly and hospitable people.
The project location of the volunteer is Mugla City with a population of 64.000.

The city is connected to main roads and within easy reach of most historical and touristic spots. It hasn’t got any transportation problem and hasn’t got too much industrialization. It has an economy based on agriculture. The air pollution is less than in other Turkish cities because there is only a small amount of industrialization and a lot of wide green fields. Because Mugla has its own university, students make up most of its population. This has caused that Mugla has a lot of activities and places appealing to young people. It is a vibrant city with festivals, theatre performances and concerts organized throughout the year. Its history and its being close to touristic places are its most important features.

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