A Step Forward Towards a Gender Equality: training in Palermo

Selectăm 2 tineri, cu vârsta 18+ ani, pentru a participa la un training, în Palermo, Italia. Cei care doresc să participe, trebuie să realizeze un eveniment pe tema egalităţii de gen, a diversităţii culturale sau coaching, în cadrul Centrului de Voluntariat Tîrgu Frumos. Evenimentul poate fi de orice tip (seminar, dezbatere, proiecţie film, coaching cu voluntari etc.), important e să se încadreze într-una dintre temele propuse. Evenimentul trebuie implementat în perioada 18 - 30 iunie.

Dacă doreşti să participi în acest proiect şi ai o idee clară de eveniment, te rugăm să completezi acest chestionar: http://goo.gl/forms/8rsVic48AC şi te vom contacta pentru a realiza activitatea. Dacă eşti din alt oraş, te aşteptăm cu drag la Tîrgu Frumos. Promitem să fim gazde bune!

Mai jos puteţi găsiţi câteva informaţii despre proiect. Dacă aveţi întrebări, le aşteptăm pe voluntarasirys@gmail.com. 

“A Step Forward towards a gender Equality” is a 5-day training course that will involve 30 youth workers coming from 10 European countries and 2 trainers. It will take place in the Municipality of Montemaggiore (Palermo province) from the 13th until the 18th of July 2015.

The main aim of this project is to contribute to the process of building tolerant integrated society based on respect to the gender equality and cultural diversity with active intercultural cooperation and dialogue, through raising the awareness of a group of youth workers about the theme of gender identity and cultural diversity and through supporting their development as youth workers and peer educators in this field in their communities. The training course is focused  on supporting the target group of the project and on making further impact on the local communities involved.

Target group of this project are youth leaders coming from various youth structures – youth organizations, various clubs, informal groups. While participating in this training course, the  youth leaders will have a chance to develop themselves as individuals, but also as active social citizens. Having in mind that the project will gather young people from various parts of Europe who will work on topics of common European interest, we believe that this training course has a strong European dimension.
The activity program will offer place and time for exchanging ideas for future cooperation in the field, and the trainers will provide both on-the-spot and follow-up support to the interested organizations and individuals.


The project will bring together 32 youth workers, from 10 different European countries: Portugal, Bulgaria, Check Republic, Germany, Greece, Romania, Croatia, Turkey, Lithuania and Italy, 3 youth workers per country, 2 trainers coming from Italy and Germany. The participants to be involved must possess different cultural backgrounds, social situation and personal life values.

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