Arts Lab Report: Feeling closer to Romania
This month in Romania was absolutely wonderful!
The first week began with the training for volunteers in Romania. I met other volunteers, musicians and artists, we got together and wrote a song. We promised to see each other in the future and enjoy each other company. Even if the training of volunteers was online, I had a lot of fun and a new experiences.
The second week we started to leave home in order to visit new places. We went to Cucuteni to get to know a little about the culture. I listened to new music (my favorite musician is Florin Salam) and I was able to learn more about the Romanian language. I started walking through the city of Târgu Frumos and it was full of surprises. In Iasi I met Dragoş, a very special person on this trip, who was a street musician. We shared moments making music and talking a little. We walked as much as we could and met friendly people.
The third week was important for me. I found a traditional Mihai Eminescu book in Spanish, so I could better understand his poems. Now, I feel closer to Romania. I found a poem that became mine immediately and I will carry it everywhere in my mind.
You can read the poem below.
Din străinătate
Mihai Eminescu
Cînd tot se-nveselește, cînd toți aci se-ncîntă,
Cînd toți își au plăcerea și zile fără nori,
Un suflet numai plînge, în doru-i se avîntă
L-a patriei dulci plaiuri, la cîmpii-i rîzători.
Și inima aceea, ce geme de durere,
Și sufletul acela, ce cîntă amorțit,
E inima mea tristă, ce n-are mîngîiere,
E sufletu-mi, ce arde de dor nemărginit.
Aș vrea să văd acuma natala mea vîlcioară
Scăldată în cristalul pîrăului de-argint,
Să văd ce eu atîta iubeam odinioară
A codrului tenebră, poetic labirint.
The last week we practiced workshops to be able to share our artistic knowledge with the children. I started to get to know towns around and I could see wonderful landscapes.
Written by Omar Franco
Omar is European volunteer for 8 months, in Arts Lab 2.0 project, funded by European Solidarity Corps, with the support of European Union.
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