Schimb de tineri în Franța: 16-30 iulie 2022

 În perioada 16-30 iulie 2022, Asociația Centrul Beaumonte, din Franța, găzduiește schimbul de tineri ''ACT Theater'', ce va reuni 17 adolescenți din Franța, Germania, România și Georgia. Din partea asociației noastre, vom trimite un grup format din 4 tineri (15-17 ani) și un lider de grup (minim 18+ani). Proiectul se desfășoară în satul Haute-Saône, Franța și propune activități de explorare a teatrului și de dezvoltare a abilităților în radio. Pe parcursul mobilității, tinerii realiza activități interculturale, ateliere artistice, de teatru și radio, jocuri etc.  

Acest proiect implică și o vizită de planificare în avans, organizată în perioada 10-12 iunie 2022, la care se recomandă să meargă liderul de grup și un tânăr, ce vor participa ulterior și la mobilitate. 

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Organizația noastră nu percepe niciun fel de taxe. Pentru a testa motivația, participanții care nu sunt voluntari ai organizației, vor realiza cel puțin o activitate de voluntariat, la alegere. După întoarcerea din mobilitate, este obligatoriu ca participanții să realizeze cel puțin o activitate de împărtășire a experienței de învățare, în echipă, în România.

Mai multe informații despre proiect, mai jos. 


Through «Act Theater » Youth Exchange Project, we would like to gather 17 teenagers from France, Germany, Romania and Georgia. 21 different people (counting leaders) from different social and geographical backgrounds, giving them the opportunity to travel, face new cultures and share visions about the importance and relevance of discovering new places, new activities and meeting new people.

The Center of Beaumotte is an association of youth and popular education created in 1979. Our association works to support and to teach youngsters, specially those with less opportunities. By proposing a place of exchange and sharing where each one can take time to rebuild himself, and can learn how to assume responsibility of himself. Our center is an alternative place based on co-education (intercultural, intergenerational, of gender and beliefs) hence, on the collective life and the responsibilisation of the people in charge of welcoming.

For 40 years, we have set up international projects convinced of the wealth these bring.

What will we speak about?

This project is a partnership between the Association du Centre de Beaumotte and two radio professionals. Halfway between theater exercises and discovery of radio tools, these two supports will help you to exchange around different themes. As this is our goal we work mainly with the youth as a team together for an effective education.

The methods of the Theatre of the Oppressed were developed by Augusto Boal in Latin America in the 1970’s. His goal was to draw visibility to social and political conflicts by giving a voice to marginalized groups who were facing oppression under totalitarian regimes of the time . We wish through this project to give teenagers the opportunity to stage their difficulties, their fights and their doubts in order to find solutions to European difficulties.

Délégation régionale de Solidarités Jeunesses – Bourgogne-Franche-Comté
Association du Centre de Beaumotte
Délégation régionale de Solidarités Jeunesses 1, Chemin du Saussoir 70190 Beaumotte - Aubertans Tél.: 03 84 68 33 41 N° Siret: 319959659 00013 

What will you do?

This project will take place in a small village in Haute-Saône. Exchanges with local population will take a big part in the project: meals, animations…

Everybody will take part in the collective life: making of the meals, cleaning, preparing activities for the night and by practicing the Theater workshops about cooperation, peace and immigration.

But also :
●    Activities with local people
●    Evenings at the fireplace
●    Activities proposed by the participants
●    Free time to discover local places
●    Regular collective moments
●    Collective activities

You will create the planning of activities together, with the group leaders.

You will have the opportunities to propose activities (games, energizers, workshops of artistic classes) if you want and if you feel.
We don't ask any qualification to be able to participate but motivation ! Understanding the French language is preferable, even if translations are obviously possible!

In a dynamic of popular and non-formal education, you will be able “to make and to live together” and each one of you will be responsible for the daily life of the group.

This tool is very important for a real encounter: youngsters will elaborate their own menus, cook in groups, do the cleaning, and organize their activities. The exchanges at cooking time, the household, and the leisure activities will be the base of interculturality of this project.

Work: You will practice the “Theater of the Oppressed”, you will do workshops about cooperation, peace and immigration. And also everyone will participate in collective life: cooking, cleaning, preparing activities for the evening.

Spare-time: Afternoons will be used to leisure activities. You will organize them all together, with the help of facilitators. Visit of Besançon, organize sports activities or different walks can be on the program.

Accommodation and food: You will sleep in large collective tents, on the grounds of the association. Girls and boys will be separated. You will sleep on bunk beds. Showers and toilets are on site. You will cook in the center's professional kitchen. You will be actors in the collective life of the group by doing the kitchen and your own menus taking turns. Food is provided by the association.

Emplacement: Association du Center de Beaumotte is located in Beaumotte-Aubertans (70190). 50km from Besançon (25000) and 25km from Vesoul (70000).
Nearest station: Besançon TGV train station (25000). A meeting point will be organized in the afternoon (between 16h and 19h)


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