
Se afișează postări cu eticheta Rareș_Bălașa

Changemaker: Rareș Bălașa - ROB's stories

Project Title : ROB's stories Changemaker :  Rareș Bălașa Message for the world : NO for discrimination, NO for suffering. 1. Previous experience: No,  I don't have previous experience.  2. The Problem : I recently watched the movie "Clouds" which is about a child with terminal cancer, who could not play because of his medical issues. I realized that even there are many children with disabilities or medical problems, I never met one. In my school, there are no children with special needs and one of the reason is that they will be bullied or they will need more support from all of us. Unfortunately, I believe we are not prepared to include children with special needs in our social groups because we are not informed and educated to do so. That's why is very hard for them to make friends. With my project, I want to increase the awareness of children in my town that we are equal no matter what problems we suffer from. I would like to be easy for all the children