
Se afișează postări cu eticheta child_abuse

Changemaker: Georgiana Anghel - Together forever and safer than ever!

Project Title : Together forever and safer than ever! Changemaker :  Georgiana Anghel Message for the world : Let`s end the abuse! 1. Previous experience: No,  I don't have previous experience.  2. The Problem : Sexual abuse and harassment affect the child's well-being, growth and development and have important consequences throughout life. Statistics say that more and more children in Iași county are victims of sexual harassment and abuse. There are few options for children to find out what they can do to prevent and how to act if they have been victims of child abuse. 3. The Solution :   I would like to organize a meeting where I will show the girls pictures and videos that describe what harassment and sexual abuse is. I will teach them how to react to it, what options they have and how to defend themselves. My plan is also to invite a policewoman to share her knowledge with us. 4. Beneficiaries: 15 girls from Târgu Frumos and surroundings. 5. Team:   Two or three friend