EVS în Lituania: „Be Radio-Active“
Un club de radio, din cel mai bun liceu din Siauliai, Lituania, caută un voluntar care să efectueze un stagiu EVS pe o perioadă de 11 luni, începând cu 1 octombrie 2016 până la data de 1 august 2017. Mai multe detalii despre proiect, mai jos. Dacă sunteţi interesat/ă, vă rugăm să ne scrieţi pe www.facebook.com/ASIRYS. • Project „Be Radio-Active“ Your main activity is going to be the work in the radio station, about 60% of the time, and its purpo-se is to provide a platform for you to learn about the specifics of working in a radio, realize your cre-ativity and ideas, possibilities to initiate projects within Radio club. Your main tasks will be prepara-tion of radio shows, the topics cover EU citizenship, EU awareness and democracy, youth work, youth policies, youth interests and youth problems. At the beginning your task is to find a topic, then write a script, record, edit and put on the radio. You will also be included in the rest of the journalis-tic work of the schools: taking