Youth Exchange "E.U.RO.P.E.+CY” - Cipru

Pentru vara anului 2017 vă propunem o mobilitate de învăţare nonformală Erasmus Plus, în Cipru. În perioada 1-9 iulie 2017 aveţi şansa de a participa la un schimb de tineri cu participanţi din Estonia, Anglia, Polonia, Grecia şi Cipru. Pentru a participa trebuie să realizaţi activităţi de voluntariat în cadrul Asociaţiei SUPER TINERI. Pentru inscriere, completati acest formular: Mai multe detalii despre proiect, puteţi citi mai jos. 

Main Details About Project
Hosting organization: Youth Dynamics Group
Venue: Agros, Cyprus
APV Dates: 12th – 14th May 2017
Youth Exchange Dates: 1st – 9 th July 2017
Youth Exchange Participants for each group: 9 participants + 1 group leader
Age: Between 16-30 years old. No age limit for group leader
Participant countries: Estonia, United Kingdom, Romania, Poland, Greece and Cyprus
Language: Project will run in English.
Venue of the project: Agros village in Cyprus 

"E.U.RO.P.E.+CY” is a multicultural youth exchange within the framework of Key Action 1. The exchange will take place over 9 days in Agros, Cyprus between 1-9/7/2017. The 60 participants will come from Estonia, UK, Romania, Poland, Ellada + Cyprus (=E.U.RO.P.E.+CY). The theme will explore history, culture, traditions and politics of the participants from their respective countries. These topics will be explored through a range of non-formal learning methods through arts, sports, drama, a cultural visit and a community project. The objectives of the exchange are to provide a forum for diverse cultures to come together and have a recognition for similarities and appreciation of differences, foster and encourage personal and social development through interaction on an inter-cultural level, empower young people to be active citizens and have an increased sense of belonging to Europe.

The project is aimed to bring together project leaders, youth workers and youngsters from 6 programme countries to discuss working experiences and strategies of NGOs in their work with youth within the field of European Citizenship Education and Youth participation in order to give new impulses, to share possible ways to break the issue down and to come up with creative ideas and support for practitioners in the international youth field. The YE will provide the occasion to share experiences, to foster sustainable and equivalent partnerships, to support capacity building, to contribute towards inventive projects by exploring new working methods and strategies, to improve the quality of future projects and to develop further activities. The methods used will be based on the principles and practice of nonformal education taking into account the needs, motivations and previous experiences of the participants. In addition, the project will provide space for debate, for individual and group reflection, and encourage the exchange of best practices. The debriefings of the common work and the achieved results will be accompanied by theoretical inputs and presentations that will complement the outcomes of the common work, helping to create the theoretical and practical framework in which participants will reflect upon existing examples of own European Citizenship Education projects and those of the other project promoters.

The main topic of our exchange is discovering cultures. During the project we will try to build bridges between the European Youth and we will promote Cultural Diversity.
The participants will deepen their knowledge on the subject of intercultural and non-formal learning, draw a map of existing attitudes towards non-formal intercultural learning as achieved through cross-border volunteering. They will also explore the values and impact of intercultural non formal learning and volunteering and share best practices of promoting and increasing visibility of intercultural learning and volunteering as well as develop new practices. The opportunities of using the Youthpass in ERASMUS+ activities as a tool for self-reflection and evaluation will also be discussed. By working, creating and cooperating together our participants will become more aware of cultural diversity in Europe.

The working programme uses informal learning in form of discussing, games, group activities. Through this, they will experience a new way of discovering their own history. In turn, these young people will act as multipliers among their cohorts who in the long run will become better citizens. 

In this project we will include 9 participants and 1 team leader from each partner organization. Participants can be aged 16 to 30 and there’s no age limit for the group leader.
Team leaders will be responsible for their group and their needs, and help facilitate the whole project by giving advice, coordinating the communication as well as the project organization.

Before departure to the venue the team leader will be responsible to ensure proper thematic and cultural preparation of participants.

Why do we do this? Because youth active participation and engagement into the leading of the project is the best way for exploring new competencies, taking responsibilities, for learning and gaining leadership skills.
We hope to see you in the project well-prepared, positive and motivated to learn and inspire each other to start making positive transformation around the world.

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