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Seven months of volunteering in Romania

New month of my EVS and I still can’t believe the time passed so fast. They say that when you do things that you like, you don’t understand how fast the time passes. This happen to me. When they ask me how much time I am here in Romania, I still can’t realize I am here for seven months and I only have five month left.  So enough with the things that make me sad and let’s see the happy things which are the things I learned this month.

The first two weeks with Valentin from France, Sandro from Sardinia and the Norwegian volunteers, we organized together some activities in our youth center and in local schools in Tîrgu Frumos, Cucuteni and Zmeu. We started with treasure hunt game in the city, so they learnt the area. I tried to show them as many as possible of what I like in Tîrgu Frumos.

The next days we made four teams and I was the leader in one of these. We developed our programs to use them at the schools we would visit, using non-formal education based on multiple intelligence theory. It was a great experience for me, because it was the first time I did something like this. Firstly we visited Petru Rareş school, then Moldova school, a school for blind students and final the school of Cucuteni, in which the students welcomed us with a theater play and many home-made foods.
The week finished with a Norwegian movie at the youth center and planning for the activities of the next week.

The next week started by doing activities at Zmeu school. We played old games from our countries and after the lunch they provided us a Rroma lunch and we danced wearing traditional Roma clothes. We also visited Trinitas school and we did activities with the help of Larisa, a volunteer of our organization, and with other teachers of the school.

At 10 April a new international volunteer arrived on our youth center, Ebet. She will stay with us until the end of September and she will teach us how to dance!

At the middle of the month the project of the Norwegians ended. We were very sad to say goodbye to our new friends. But we all knew that we with Erasmus+, Europe is very small and we will meet each other sooner or later. 

The following days we had everyday meetings to organize our activities on the youth center. We did some research about the Cucuteni village and with the help of local volunteers we started to work about a project to promote the village.
The end of the month was the orthodox Easter. We went all together to the church at night. The next day Mihaela, the coordinator of our project invited us to her house to eat traditional Romanian Easter food. We also brought some of our traditional food. I brought tzatziki!

And that’s how my month ended. Being together with my new EVS family and with my brothers and sisters from all Europe.

By Nikolia Papadopoulou 

As you may know, we are hosting at the moment our first EVS volunteer, Nikolia, from Greece. She will spend 12 months with us, helping to develop our youth center and create a more active community by volunteering! Each month our volunteer, Nikolia Papadopoulou will share her experience in Romania through a small report.

Building Bridges is a project funded by Erasmus+, a programme of the European Union. The content of this article is the exclusive responsibility of the authors, and the National Agency and the European Union are not responsible for how the content of the information will be used.

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