
Se afișează postări cu eticheta building_bridges

Nothing can stop true motivation

“I don’t want a goodbye party because I want to continue the activities here” said Nikolia some time ago, when she finished her EVS (European Volunteering Service currently named European Solidarity Corps) project of one year. And she did, because she has found a home in Romania, in Târgu Frumos. Nikolia came from Greece in an Erasmus+ Youth Exchange in 2018 called Rroma HeArt and she fell in love with Romania, the activities that we were doing at the Youth Center and the Super Tineri organisation. So she decided that she needs to escape her ordinary life and do something new, that would fulfill her soul and would help her grow both personally and professionally.   Back in Greece, Nikolia was unemployed and she says that she couldn’t find a job that she liked. She has been a volunteer in a youth center in Ioannina and the Red Cross, but she confessed that nothing was like the experience from Romania: “In one year I did completely new things than in my previous life”. She came wi

One year of volunteering in Romania

So this is my last month doing EVS volunteering for Asirys Supertineri. It is being one year. So many new things I learned, so many new things I did, so many new people I met and so much knowledge I gained not only about the topic of the project but also about myself. One of the most important thing that I learnt about myself is getting out of my comfort zone. I came in a country without knowing the language or the culture, but at the end I loved this place and the cooperation we had with the association that I decided to stay more and to become a “local” volunteer. During September we had a lot of activities for the association and for preparing the dissemination plan for my project. We started with an event in Miclăuşeni, a castle near Târgu Frumos. The event was called  ”Back to 1900” and we had the opportunity to see old type of clothes, to see crafts from local artists and to travel a bit with an air-balloon. In this event there were also involved local and international  volun

11 months of volunteering in Romania

August was my eleventh month of my EVS here in Romania. We did a lot of activities again. The only difference was that I spent my time with a new group of volunteers, who came to Iași for a month. They were here for the “Sports Activator” short-term EVS. So with other 15 volunteers from Greece, Bulgaria, Spain and Turkey, we did a lot of activities to help them become sports leaders and to promote healthy lifestyle and off course, Erasmus+ and Erasmus + Sport. Our coordinator, Mihaela, wrote this project while she was also an EVS volunteer in Slovenia and I am sure she feels very proud that it was approved and it was a success. The schedule was full every day with activities, workshops that we created and from other facilitators who were successful on their fields like my mentor, Dragoș, and Victor Popa. They helped us a lot with some ideas to create our workshops. We were divided in 4 teams. The nutrition, the healthy lifestyle, sports games and Erasmus + sports. Every time we crea

Caravana Arts Lab

Căutăm 5 licee, organizaţii şi instituţii din diverse comunităţi, care se adresează tinerilor cu vârsta cuprinsă între 15-19 ani, şi doresc să beneficieze de o activitate de diseminare a rezultatelor proiectului de voluntariat european, Arts Lab. Activităţile caravanei vor dura 3 ore, fiind structurate astfel: 🦸‍♀️ prezentarea experienţelor voluntarilor internaţionali prin diverse metode non-formale, 👨‍🎨 ateliere pe arte şi dezvoltare personală facilitate de voluntarii Erasmus+ (fotografie, arheologie, teatru, dans, pictură, inteligenţe multiple), 🎯 sesiune de voluntariat pentru şcoala/comunitate, unde elevii vor identifica probleme, vor defini soluţii si vor crea un mini-proiect, pe care îl pot implementa ulterior prin intermediul Corpului European de Solidaritate. Elevii vor afla cum pot beneficia de mobilităţi de formare şi de voluntariat prin Erasmus Plus şi European Solidarity Corps, îşi vor exersa cunoştinţele de limbă engleză, vor socializa şi vor interacţiona cu tineri

Ten months of volunteering in Romania

And July arrived. It is the first time in my life during the summer that I stayed that much away from the sea and the model of “summer vacations”, that we used to have every summer in Greece. But somehow I don’t feel bad at all. When I decide to do my long term EVS in Târgu Frumos, Romania, I knew it is far from the sea side. And if I could measure everything, the opportunity of EVS was the most important. And I am happy I still believe that. The month was full again with activities in the youth center and in the local area. At the beginning of the month we had a very big and important seminar, called “Sports Activator”. More than 42 volunteers national and international where participated during this seminar. We had activities every day and during this I learnt a lot of new methods and exercises. I really liked the fact that I met again some friends I did on a previous Erasmus+ projects and felt what others told me so many times, that the world is very small and in the Erasmus worl

Erasmus + Euroscola = Lideri în Formare

Update : Din păcate, în luna august, coordonatorii activităţii ne-au informat că nu mai doresc să cooperăm în proiectul Euroscola2019 deoarece elevii sunt implicaţi în prea multe activităţi.  Începând cu luna iulie 2019, centrul nostru de voluntariat găzduieşte şi încurajează iniţiativele a 27 de profesori şi elevi ai Liceului "Ion Neculce" din Târgu Frumos, care participă la concursul naţional Euroscola. Proiectul vizează dezvoltarea abilităţilor de leadership ale elevilor, prin antrenarea acestora în worshopuri de dezvoltare personală. La prima întâlnire nici nu am simţit cum au trecut 3 ore de activităţi. Am aflat mai multe informaţii unii despre alţii, am socializat, ne-am exprimat ideile şi am planificat. La final de atelier, în echipe tematice, cei 30 de tineri, profesori şi voluntari europeni implicaţi, şi-au asumat implementarea a 5 iniţiative: un eveniment săptămânal numit "Doctors of personal development", o activitate de igienizare Esplanad

Nine months of volunteering in Romania

And the summer came in Romania. June started with a lot of activities in our youth center and in other places near by. We had a lot of fun, we learnt a lot and we made new friends. After my mid-term evaluation, I had last months in Braşov, I realize  that this trip is about to end, I am at my 9th month of my EVS and I try to make every moment to count. At the beginning of the month we helped in an event in a castle near by, Miclăuşeni. We did a lot of activities for children like face painting or games. Ştefana (a local volunteer in our youth center) and me, we did together cotton candy. We worked for almost 8 hours non-stop but we didn't want to stop because we had so much fun. We also continue the activities at the youth center. Every day we did different workshop, dancing, crafting, painting and music. To promote our activities we did some of them in Petru Rareş school. We presented our workshops for the students and they were free to decide in which workshop they could par

Eight months in Romania - My EVS Experience

The last month of the spring arrived. But in Romania is like we have the four seasons in one day. Morning is Spring, afternoon is Summer, evening is Autumn and the night is the Winter. Yes, it is very different than my country Greece and yes, I do miss the sea air especially in the hot afternoons. But I wouldn’t change for anything in the world everything I learnt during these eight months I am in Romania, doing my EVS. So this month I was inspired by a wonderful workshop a local volunteer did in our youth center about journalism and I would like to present what I learnt this month by taking an interview to myself. - So please, could you tell us, did you do something this month that you haven’t done before?   Well yes. Actually every month I have the feeling I do things I haven’t done before. This month with another international volunteer, we were going almost every Wednesday in Paşcani, where we did Romanian dances. We learnt how to dance hora and polka. So we will use what we lea

Seven months of volunteering in Romania

New month of my EVS and I still can’t believe the time passed so fast. They say that when you do things that you like, you don’t understand how fast the time passes. This happen to me. When they ask me how much time I am here in Romania, I still can’t realize I am here for seven months and I only have five month left.  So enough with the things that make me sad and let’s see the happy things which are the things I learned this month. The first two weeks with Valentin from France, Sandro from Sardinia and the Norwegian volunteers, we organized together some activities in our youth center and in local schools in Tîrgu Frumos, Cucuteni and Zmeu. We started with treasure hunt game in the city, so they learnt the area. I tried to show them as many as possible of what I like in Tîrgu Frumos. The next days we made four teams and I was the leader in one of these. We developed our programs to use them at the schools we would visit, using non-formal education based on multiple intelligence the

Sixth month as Volunteer in Romania

March, the month that the spring officially starts and one of the most beautiful months of the year. For me, March meant something more. It is the middle month of my EVS, here in Romania. At the beginning of the month, I was the only European volunteer in Tîrgu Frumos, Iaşi, but on the last day of the month, we were twelve volunteers! Starting the month activities, with Florin, a volunteer of our organization, we continue the multiple intelligence workshops, at Petru Rareş Technological school. The workshops went very good. We had everyday participation from the students and they really enjoyed it, especially the music intelligence workshop. Also with Jamal and Martha, who came from Norway, we discussed and organized the last details about the upcoming short-term EVS project we would have at the end of the month. We visited all together Iaşi and Paşcani, a very beautiful nearby town and we connected more to each other. Something important about Erasmus+ projects is the connectio