
Se afișează postări din august, 2019

Ten months of volunteering in Romania

And July arrived. It is the first time in my life during the summer that I stayed that much away from the sea and the model of “summer vacations”, that we used to have every summer in Greece. But somehow I don’t feel bad at all. When I decide to do my long term EVS in Târgu Frumos, Romania, I knew it is far from the sea side. And if I could measure everything, the opportunity of EVS was the most important. And I am happy I still believe that. The month was full again with activities in the youth center and in the local area. At the beginning of the month we had a very big and important seminar, called “Sports Activator”. More than 42 volunteers national and international where participated during this seminar. We had activities every day and during this I learnt a lot of new methods and exercises. I really liked the fact that I met again some friends I did on a previous Erasmus+ projects and felt what others told me so many times, that the world is very small and in the Erasmus worl

Sports Activator Ruginoasa

Luni, 5 august 2019, am desfăşurat primul eveniment comunitar de promovare a mişcării - Sports Activator. Atelierele dezvoltate de cei 16 voluntari internaţionali, sprijiniţi de 10 voluntari locali, au implicat 52 de copii din Ruginoasa în jocuri şi activităţi prin care au învăţat despre nutriţie, educaţie fizică, viaţă sănătoasă şi Erasmus+ Sport. Evenimentul a fost un succes, copiii ne-au întrebat când mai venim, şi deşi am experimentat o vreme capricioasă cu soare puternic şi furtună, copiii au fost complet fascinaţi de jocurile experimentate în cele 4 ore de activităţi. Mulţumim gazdelor, dna Cristina Ioana Axinia de la Centrul Cultural Ruginoasa şi Primăriei Ruginoasa pentru sprijin şi resurse! Urmează să mergem în alte 9 comunităţi, în weekend ne pregătim pentru copiii şi tinerii din Cucuteni şi din Lungani! Sports Activator este un proiect co-finanţat de programul Erasmus+ Sport, cu sprijinul Uniunii Europene. Monday, 5 August 2019, we had the first Sports Activator event

Sports Activator: Volunteering as sports leaders

Between 1 August - 2 September 2019, we are hosting 15 volunteers from Bulgaria, Greece, Spain and Turkey. Together with 15 Romanian volunteers, they will develop a Experiential Sport Center, will promote sports and healthy lifestyle in 10 local communities and will develop an European Sport event that will be implemented in 5 countries.  Here you can check an album that presents the planning and preparation process for the volunteering activities.  To support the volunteers, we will involve 5 mentors. First of them is Victor Popa alias Domnul de Karate. Victor is from Bucharest, has 20 years experience in the field of sports and during his career worked with thousand of children. He helped the volunteers to plan the first sport event for the children of Ruginoasa.  Sports Activator is co-funded by Erasmus+ Sport Programme, with the support of European Union. Între 1 August - 2 Septembrie 2019, găzduim 15 voluntari din Bulgaria, Grecia, Spania şi Turcia. Împreună cu 15 volunta