
Se afișează postări din ianuarie, 2020

Apel selecţie participanţi mobilitate în Polonia

În perioada 23 februrie - 2 martie 2020, invităm 3 profesori sau lucrători de tineret activi să participe la seminarul finanţat de programul Erasmus+ "nEU – New Europe, New Challenges". Mobilitatea reprezintă o oportunitate de a împărtăşi informaţii şi bune practici despre cetăţenia activă la nivel european, fiind implicate 8 ţări, şi va contribui la dezvoltarea personală şi profesională a participanţilor.  Mai multe detalii despre proiect, găsiţi în infopack-ul de mai jos. Toate costurile sunt acoperite de programul Erasmus+, transportul fiind rambursat în mobilitate, pe baza documentelor de călătorie. De asemenea, asociaţia noastră nu solicită niciun fel de taxe de la participanţii pe care îi trimite în mobilităţi.  Pentru înscriere, vă rugăm să ne trimiteţi un email la adresa, cu un articol despre ce reprezintă Europa şi cetăţenia activă în comunitatea dvs., ataşând o fotografie de la activităţile dvs. cu elevii/ beneficiarii/ grupurile cu

Call for Arts Lab 2.0. volunteers

We are looking for 4  1 volunteer, aged between 18 and 30, from European Union countries, to be part of 8-month European Solidarity Corps volunteering mobility, in Tîrgu Frumos, Iaşi, Romania. The project is addressing youth passionate about crafting, film, dance, painting, music, photography, cooking, theater and/or other artistic or cultural activities. The topics of the project are social inclusion, cultural heritage, creativity and culture. The volunteering activities will be diverse and involve the development of social, intercultural, civic and entrepreneurial skills and competences. Some of the activities that the 4 volunteers will carry out are: Youth center workshops & Events : You will develop your own workshops, events and activities based on your passions, ideas, learning needs, for the youth of local community.  Conference & Folcloristica Festival : Organized in March 2020, the conference will gather 30 youth workers, active volunteers and teachers from no

Volunteer in Greece: First week of the year for a volunteer

I entered in a new year abroad, for the second time in my life. How I felt? Well, I felt loved and lucky, thankful for what I was given and feeling a lot of love from and for my dears’ ones. I felt that I was left here for enjoying and for feeling the difference. I started the year full of hope, I started the year with the desire of making a change and trying to have a positive impact in the place wherever I will be. The first week with the children started full of hope and good energy. I felt for the first time in all these months that my work matters. This time I did not try to force myself to do something special, I was just spending time with the children and speaking half in Greek and half in English. Yes, I become more self-confident of speaking Greek and the children not only help me, but also started to speak in English too the words that I was translating to them during the games. It was amazing for me. We were playing, doing paper boats together for them to learn the colors,