
Se afișează postări cu eticheta Arsis

De ce voluntar european?

Numele meu este Corina aș vrea să îți spun că dacă încă te mai gândești să devii voluntar, ar trebui să îți iei inima în dinți și să mergi acolo unde te gândești că poți fi util. Eu am început experiența mea de voluntar în octombrie, în Salonic, Grecia. De ce? Bună întrebare, asta au întrebat toți cei dragi mie care au aflat că voi face asta. Surpriza lor era mare și le dau dreptate, în iulie 2019 absolvisem o facultate foarte bună, licențiat în studii administrative suna bine, aveam și un loc de muncă care îmi plăcea și unde creșteam alături de o echipă absolut minunată. Atunci de ce? Chiar de ce? Aveam toate aceste lucruri, dar voiam să ajut, să fiu mai utilă societății. Voiam să experimentez lucruri noi și să îmi dau seama dacă există și alte oportunități pentru viitorul meu care m-ar face mai fericită cu ceea ce fac. Din aceste lucruri s-a născut dorința de fi voluntar și am aplicat pentru un proiect în Grecia la un moment dat.   A trecut ceva timp, uitasem de aplicație când am afl

Volunteer in Greece: First week of the year for a volunteer

I entered in a new year abroad, for the second time in my life. How I felt? Well, I felt loved and lucky, thankful for what I was given and feeling a lot of love from and for my dears’ ones. I felt that I was left here for enjoying and for feeling the difference. I started the year full of hope, I started the year with the desire of making a change and trying to have a positive impact in the place wherever I will be. The first week with the children started full of hope and good energy. I felt for the first time in all these months that my work matters. This time I did not try to force myself to do something special, I was just spending time with the children and speaking half in Greek and half in English. Yes, I become more self-confident of speaking Greek and the children not only help me, but also started to speak in English too the words that I was translating to them during the games. It was amazing for me. We were playing, doing paper boats together for them to learn the colors,

Volunteer in Greece: New month, new vibe

December started with me remembering about my country, this time because the 1th of December is Romania’s National Day. I felt good to realize that I am part of a nation and that I had the chance to see a broader picture about the world and the world’s problems.   In this month I had set the goal of being useful in any way I could. So, I started. The first thing that I was doing was helping one of the formers social workers from the House of Arsis to paint a wonderful tree. From my point of view this tree is the tree of hope because on one hand it is in a place where many children are finding their hope for a better life and in the other hand because it has been painted in December the month when we are full of hope for a better upcoming year.   The social worker that I was working with the most, Maria, came with some great ideas for Christmas decorations so I helped her doing these with the children. In this way I could see how she talked to them and how she proposed the activities to

Volunteer in Greece: And November came

The beginning or November was the time when I truly realized that I was in a foreign place leaving everything behind and jumping in a new life. As you can imagine there was nothing easy in the beginning and I had my "cultural sock" in the first few days.   Let me explain you what it means. It is that state of mind when you realize that your life changed radically and everything is more difficult to be done. For me it manifested as finding very hard to live in a place with more people around and to work in a totally different manner. I expressed from the first beginning my intention of working with people and when I found out that I would work with kids I was very happy, but I never knew how it would be. When I realized that I could not see the immediate results of my work and that there is a very strong language barrier, that my time is somehow not as productive as in the past and that I need to strive even to understand what the children are asking me, I felt very frustrate

Volunteer in Greece: Everything started in October

Everything started on 24th of October. In a very sunny day my plane landed in an amazing city, Thessaloniki. I was received with bright smiles and warming welcome greetings. Even if I had a hard time before coming, with a lot of things happening, I felt that here I was about to meet great people.   In the next several days, I had the chance to see how beautiful is the city, to meet many new people and to be discover great food and some habits that Greek people have, like addition for coffee.   Then, I discovered the real dimension of Arsis. I discovered that I was going to work with children that due to their life were already aware about the meaning of real difficulties. I discovered that Arsis is a big organization that try hard to provide all the necessary support to children and youth that are found in difficult situations. I found out that all the efforts can be slower when they do not benefit from the authorities’ help. I found out that the people can be supportive in their cause