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Changemaker: Anastasia Denisa Iacob - After Limits

Project Title: After Limits

Changemaker Anastasia Denisa Iacob

Message for the world: Life begins where fear ends, and violence does not improve it!

1. Previous experience:

No, I didn't organize such activities before, but it is never too late. 

2. The Problem:

Even if I do not know such a case, I would like to draw attention to domestic violence. The world has  normalized this and must be stopped, many of the opinions having a major impact on the people affected. I would like to ”open the eyes” of everyone and make them realize that this problem is real! I am also involved with this project for the victims who do not see what is really abnormal in a family, especially children who get used to this behavior and do not communicate for help.

3. The Solution: 

The workshop will be organized through interactive games for all participants with widely open discussions. The first part will consist of the use of notes that have a few short cases of domestic violence, from which children will choose randomly.  
Everyone can give their opinion by coming up with a solution for the problem. Everyone's opinion and solution will be valid and explained according to my opinion, but also to the others. For the second part, I will make a presentation about violence in general, where it can be met, how we can guard against it and how we can escape from it. I will also ask for opinions and answer the participants' questions based on the subject. This workshop will be organised twice, to give the opportunity to learn about violence to more children. In addition to the two workshops, I will develop a web page that will host the necessary information about the activity. Once the project is over, the site will remain a topic of discussion for people wishing to develop their views on the subject.

4. Beneficiaries:

A group consisting of 15  participants around the ages 9 to 15 per each workshop.

5. Team:  

The organization of the activities will be done just by me, although I would have liked to work with  someone, I don't have friends who like to talk in public.

6. Objective:

My smart goal is to make 30 children from Târgu Frumos recognize domestic violence and learn how to avoid it by organizing two events and creating a web page that can be used as a space for talking about this problem.

7. Project duration:  

2 month (March - April 2021)

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