Arts Lab 3.0: Demet Durdu - Building a museum

In November I realized that I feel completely adapted to Romania. I went to my country to visit my family  and I can say that I overcome my ''dor''. While I was in Turkey, I realized how I missed this place. My friends, town, ACT House. 

After my return, we went to the workshop of the painter Gheorghe Ciobanu, like every week. He teaches us his own techniques and we spend a pleasant time together. The peace and atmosphere of the place is so different that I can't really describe it.

We started going to a new school this month, Ion Creangă school. We met Roma children. I can say that this month has been quite busy. 

There were 2 cities I was curious about and I had the opportunity to see it. We went to the Transylvania region, Sibiu and Braşov. Brașov has already become one of my favorite cities. 

Leire held a basque night to promote her country.We continue to collect many memories together. We prepared Basque dishes and shared the excitement of Leire. We will also have a Turkish night in January. I am excited for this already.

We started a new project. We are building an alternative Cucuteni museum. We started the preparations. First we saw the Cucuteni museums. We examined the artifacts, and we saw the exhibition. We can imagine the Romanian ceramic art, Cucuteni ceramics better now and we know more about it.

I started making ceramic works for the Cucuteni Alternative Museum. First of all, I started with female models. I am making this model in which 21 Cucuteni women with big hips forming a circle and small pieces of stones standing in front of them come together to form a composition. I can say that I fell in love with this unique composition, each of which has a meaning. 

On the one hand, Krista painted our faces being inspired by the Cucuteni pattern, and Leire took our pictures. These photos will be on the project web-site. Kübra designed the place. 

As a team, we complement each other very well. Everyone is doing their best. We are really excited about this museum. And we spend all our energy. I'm sure great things will come out after the work is done.

Written by Demet Durdu, volunteer within Arts Lab 3.0, a project funded by the European Solidarity Corps, with the support of the European Union. 


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