Arts Lab 3.0: Krista Lipska - my first exhibition

October came and the exhibition opening was looking straight on us, so last preparation works, the best execution you can give to artwork for being brought into the audience and getting ready to present accomplishment in front of a public, to share the meaning behind, to inspire. For me, this was my first exhibition as a body painter, so I am glad that I had this opportunity because the opening was really good and visitors took us in with open arms and minds, enjoyed interactive parts, and gave us quite a lot of feedback on our creations. 

Another positive piece was that we finally started learning from Mr. Ciobanu to paint so we can move to our next exhibition and collaborate on the topic of Cucuteni. Interacting with the painter brought a fresh feeling of inspiration, interaction, and energy going back and forth. Communicating, learning and breaking down boundaries to create something out of my comfort zone allowed me to step aside a bit and enter different horizons for self-exploring. 

Surely Arts Lab caravans to villages were not left behind, what brought us into Aroneanu - full with kids willing to learn and have a try into each of ours art fields. As well, the final event in Butea came, so together with the kids, we could create an exhibition to show all that we have done and learned together. 

 Another pleasant, interactive and fulfilled day was going to Cucuteni village and the museum of it to catch energy and inspiration of that place, to receive information for our future project of creating our own one. Certainly still proceeding to learn Romanian language, about local culture and exploring more of its confident nature and traditions. 

Written by Krista Lipska. She is volunteering within Arts Lab 3.0, a project funded by the European Solidarity Corps, with the support of the European Union.


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