Arts Lab 3.0.: Demet Durdu - Artists & Museums

In October we opened our exhibition with excitement and effort. We worked, we got tired, but we enjoyed it. It was a pleasure to present my works about Târgu Frumos. During the exhibition, we made an opening speech, explaining and giving information about our works and creative process. We also did short workshops at the same time. In my case, I asked the visitors to paint Târgu Frumos on a ceramic tile, connecting them to the subject of our exhibition.

After the exhibition, we went to Cucuteni. I met there Ionela Sandrina Mihuleac, an amazing ceramist. After seeing Cucuteni and meeting its artists, I had new ideas. It helped me to form a new perspective for the Alternative Cucuteni Museum - a new exhibition we work on. Cucuteni is a peaceful world in lush nature, whereas artists can only think and produce. The perfect studio, in an immaculate nature...

This month we visited Gheorghe Ciobanu once per week, in his 2-story studio made entirely of wood. A warm atmosphere welcomed us. It was clear that the painter loves Van Gogh. He often paints himself with Van Gogh. Their ideas were quite different, but I would love to live in the paintings there! We also had the chance to paint in his peaceful studio. Our white canvases were colored by the fairy-tale-like inspired of Târgu Frumos or Cucuteni motifs. We are grateful to the painter Georghe Ciobanu for giving us this opportunity.

Finally, we held an exhibition at the school in Butea. We exhibited the works we have done so far with the children. The students saw the work they did and their families witnessed their excitement. We set off to Iaşi to go to the Cucutenian museum. We saw the unique works and learn about this old history. With a tribal soundtrack, I was inspired by the Alexandru Ioan Cuza History Museum, where I learned and see the photographs, measurements, and painting techniques from every angle. I'm really excited about this new creative project.

Written by Demet Durdu, volunteer within Arts Lab 3.0, a project funded by the European Solidarity Corps, with the support of the European Union. 


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