Arts Lab 3.0: Demet Durdu - The day has come

The day we've been waiting for a long time has come and we opened the Cucuteni Alternative Museum in Târgu Frumos. I made and presented different ceramic art-works inspired by the Cucuteni cultural heritage. People from other cities came to our opening, there was great interest. We did the best with the help of local volunteers. It was also exciting to exhibit my replicas together with the original art pieces at Muzeul Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza'' from Iași.

February has been the last month of the project for two international volunteers. It was hard to say goodbye because we lived together for 7 months, so we started feeling as a family. We promised each other that we would meet again one day. We held a farewell party, a Romanian night and we welcomed our new volunteer friend from France.

In February we worked hard, had fun, grieved, laughed and said goodbye. I will spend the remaining 3 months to the fullest and continue to collect memories. I embrace the future and collect beautiful energies. 

Report written by Demet Durdu, volunteer within Arts Lab 3.0, a project funded by the European Solidarity Corps, with the support of the European Union.


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