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Arts Lab 5.0: Aliye Ceylan, Turkey - Month 2

This is my second month here. I think it went faster than the first month. I don't even understand how it passed so quickly. I think it shows that I'm getting used to life here :).

The most important and stressful part of last month was the final exhibition. We had our first exhibition here. While preparing for the exhibition, we were quite excited and didn't know what to do. But our first experience was nice and enjoyable. I can even say that it was like a lesson for me. I was incredibly happy to see my students from the workshop we gave at Petru Rareş school at the exhibition. We shot experimental and music videos together. We all watched the films we shot together and we were very proud. I will never forget their happiness at the exhibition💜 The period after the exhibition was of course spent resting and continuing to explore Romania. We went to Suceava with the other friends in the team for sightseeing, it was a place I really liked. We went to the castle "Cetatea de Scaun a Sucevei", the church and the museum. We collected a lot of good memories. I can't wait to see more places here. 

I also can't wait to eat new things 🙈 Our coordinator Mihaela took us to eat "Papanaşi" dessert. I liked it very much and I think to try to make it at home. 😄
Apart from that, I think we had our first real struggle at home this month. One Sunday morning, after I put my clothes in the washing machine, everything was going normally, suddenly the washing machine broke down and the water was everywhere. 😪 I called my other friends and they helped me immediately. Together we cleaned everything and fixed the machine again. And another challenge was the whole day we spent at the immigration office where we went for official procedures. Fortunately, we managed that too.

And last week we started workshops at a new school. I'm giving a clay-motion workshop in a class of about 11 people. I think I can manage it, even though it's a little difficult and a lively class 🥲. 

Now we are preparing for the second exhibition for Cucuteni. I don't know if I can be a little more stressed while preparing for this exhibition. 😬 I hope it will be as I want and it will be nice.🙏 

Aliye Ceylan is from Turkey, and she is participating in a six-month volunteering program within Arts Lab 5.0, a project co-funded by the European Union through the European Solidarity Corps.

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