Arts Lab 5.0: Ahmed Hakmi, Morocco - Month 4
I really can’t believe that I’m writing the report of the fourth month and chocked about HOW fast this month was fast. Anyway, this month also have been full of new experiences and full of ups and downs as any other month.
This month started in Iași, visiting the Jewish Museum, and knowing more about their history here in Iași and the surroundings. Then we had a visit to the military museum where we meet an organisation of the Rroma people where we had the chance to present our countries and we ended that day by having some workshops of different dances and Tarabana.
After that, we visited a village where we had to do the caravan and I was really surprised about the school in that village because it was really clean and organised also they gave us a lot of traditional food. After few days we went to Vaslui, where we did a Cucuteni caravan too. I drove all the way there and I was really fascinated about the weather that day because it was all covered by ice and most of the way was foggy which was like a horror movie, but I really loved it.
Days before the holidays, we went to Moldova school and started our Artist residences about The JEMOM. We didn’t have much students this time but it was a good experience trying to approach and work with visually impaired students. I will be proud for my whole life to have tried this amazing experience.
The first day of Holidays, we did the Secret Santa where each one had to gift someone. It was the first time to try this because we don’t celebrate Christmas in my country and the experience was also great. After it I and Dajana went to Sighișoara. we really loved the city and visited too many places there. Also we did Ice-skating for hours, and as usual, me falling to many times LOL! 😂 It was our first trip together and it was one of the best trips I have ever had even though it was for only 3 days, two of them on train 😂. After that I spent the rest of the holidays with Muhammed, alone in the house. Actually it was so good and relaxing, we used to play music really loud and dance crazy.
After the holidays, we cancelled a visit to a school because of the weather, it was snowing a lot for literally two nights and a day. I have never seen so much snow. It was amazing for me.
Finally, and how I ended this month is by making The Moroccan Cultural Night, I was so happy to share my culture and to have prepare a lot of amazing food for my friends with the help of my mom. She was on call with me for four hours just to tell me the steps of making food. Also Dajana, Muhammed, Raph, Hassan and Sena helped me with preparing and making the night successful. The food was amazing by the way 😎.
Hakmi is from Morocco and he's doing six months volunteering in our
organisation, within Arts Lab 5.0, a project co-funded by the European
Union through the European Solidarity Corps.