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Arts Lab 3.0: Krista Lipska - Little bit of everything

Huge diversity of emotions, lots of ups and downs. A little bit of everything, sometimes maybe a bit too much and sometimes probably not enough. There is no one word, even a full sentence is not enough to describe how it felt, how it was and what this experience has given to me. Whole notebook with 350 pages has been filled with tasks, ideas, summaries, poetry and flow of thoughts and yet, not everything has been said in there. If memories and all the lessons would be stick-able to paper, surely it would take at least 5 times more space. All of it is truly precious, because some of them are captured in pictures, some of them are hiding in my small things left behind by my friends, small notes and vividly sparkly eyes kept in my memory as pictures of mind and soul. I am more than sure that without this experience I wouldn't have such a concentrated opportunity to lure out my strengths and get a better look into things that must be changed, a lot of skills picked up and full hands of

Arts Lab 3.0: Demet Durdu - Unforgettable memories

I mentioned several times in my previous reports, that I started working on creating replicas after some of the most important Cucuteni masterpieces. In January I have advanced with the works and produced in a more disciplined way. I combined the information I gathered as a result of my research and applied it to the clay. I spent a month that I will never forget because I have gained an amazing experience. I am proud of the realization of our project that we have planned and thought about for a long time. We shared with people, Cucuteni history in a creative manner. We left an alternative museum for the future. The name of it is Cucuteni Alternative Museum. I will always remember the moments we spent as a team while opening the experiential museum. We found a way to make each other smile even we were a bit stressed. Each piece of work gathers great effort, dreams, and excitement. When I will leave, the works I have made on this land will still live. I am grateful for having this oppor

Arts Lab 3.0: Kubra Akarsu - Patterns & culture

January has been the busiest month for me. I returned from Turkey where I spent my holidays with my family and got sick with Covid. As soon as I arrived in Romania, I immediately started working at the Cucuteni Alternative Museum. I had to give all my energy to finish my own work. I made a ceramic model for Cucuteni village, I designed three Cucuteni architectural designs and I applied Cucuteni patterns on the existing modern buildings. I watched many documentaries and read articles to understand this culture. It was a stressful month, but it was worth the effort. But among all these works, the most important thing for me was to share my culture with people. We organized a movie night with the local volunteers and watched an important movie for all Turkish called 'Hababam Sınıfı'. I introduced Turkish culture with food, dance and songs. Actually, everybody had a little idea about Turkish culture, probably because of the Turkish volunteers who came before and the prevalence of T

Arts Lab 3.0: Krista Lipska - Building the future

January felt like a really long month, but at the same time every single day was flying at the speed of light. Most likely reason to feel like that was that January was overfilled with creating, finishing and working again and again on everything that is needed for a successful exhibition opening. But through this adventure together as a team, we have grown even more and at the same time finally we have learned to a greater extent than expected from each other, picked up new skills and resolved tasks, which were giving a lot of rebuses to work through. I am glad that we had such a productive and determined month, all together working for a greater purpose which will be living on for so many more years. It has been an honor to work on fundamental stones for future volunteer generations and professionally growing as a crew and individually. During this month, whether we want it or not, more often was emerging revelation of the present - just one more month is this set up, living all 4 to

Arts Lab 3.0: Leire Saenz - Mixed feelings

Coming back from home got me feeling in a really strange way. I never felt like that. I found myself stuck between to realities, two worlds. I felt as an outsider coming back home, and I felt as an outsider when I came back here. Nevertheless, I felt really thankful that I was able to spend the Christmas time with my family and friends, to stay away from work and focus on resting and taking care of myself, which I sometimes found and still find hard to do here. In January we all worked really close for Cucuteni Alternativ project; we worked as a team. When I have been asked about how it was working on a local cultural heritage project, I said that it was a learning experience for me, in 3 different ways. First of all, being part of this project allowed me to get closer to Cucuteni culture, and Romanian history. This was really important to me as I feel we kind of owe to Romania, for being our home for the last 8 months, to learn about it. Second of all, as we finally got the chance to

Târgu Frumos, orașul muzeelor experiențiale

Pe 6 februarie 2022, s-a deschis în Târgu Frumos primul muzeu experiențial destinat promovării și cunoașterii patrimoniului cultural reprezentat de civilizația Cucuteni. Proiectul este creat de tinerii de la Asociația SUPER TINERI - ASIRYS, în cadrul unui proiect finanțat de Corpul European de Solidaritate, al Uniunii Europene.  La vernisaj au participat peste 40 de persoane din Iași, Suceava și Piatra Neamț, care timp de 4 ore și-au dezvoltat creativitatea și cunoștințele printr-un program de educație experiențială, menit să le stimuleze interesul pentru cultura Cucuteni.   Prima expoziție a Muzeului Experiențial Cucuteni Alternativ a inclus lucrările a 5 artiști: Demet Durdu (Turcia) - ceramistă, Krista Lipska (Letonia) - make-up & body artist, Kubra Akarsu (Turcia) - arhitect, Gheorghe Ciobanu (România) - pictor naiv și Leire Saenz Quevedo (Țara Bascilor) - artist vizual. Pe lângă expunerea produselor artistice, artiștii și-au asumat roluri ce ar fi putut exista în comunitatea c

Eveniment Intercultural despre Turcia

Dacă decembrie a fost despre Țara Bascilor, în ianuarie vă invităm să descoperiți Turcia! Prima activitate va avea loc vineri, 28 ianuarie 2022, când vom proiecta un film turcesc celebru ales de voluntarele noastre, Demet Durdu și Kubra Akarsu. Iar sâmbătă seara, tot de la 17:00, va avea loc seara interculturală, care include degustare de bunătăți turcești, tradiții, dansuri și jocuri din Turcia. Intrarea este liberă, cu respectarea normelor sanitare.  Unde? La ACT House, str. Cucuteni, nr. 8, mansardă, Târgu Frumos. Evenimentul este organizat în cadrul proiectului Arts Lab 3.0, finanțat de Corpul European de Solidaritate, cu sprijinul Uniunii Europene. 

Primul muzeu experiențial din Târgu Frumos: Cucuteni Alternativ

În următorii 7 ani, ne-am propus să transformăm Târgu Frumos în orașul muzeelor experiențiale.  🏤 Ce este un muzeu experiențial în viziunea noastră?  Un experiment unde imaginația, creativitatea și talentul sunt aduse într-un spațiu educațional, care prin stimularea simțurilor, metode non-formale, expuneri clasice și/sau neconveționale, provoacă publicul să dea mai multă culoare și valoare patrimoniului cultural local. 🔑 De ce facem asta?  Pentru a crește calitatea vieții tinerilor din comunitățile mici. Și cum ne plac provocările, vrem: - să implicăm 1000 de artiști români și internaționali; - să-i încurajăm pe tineri să aprecieze și să pună în valoare patrimoniul cultural local; - să promovăm solidaritatea, diversitatea și învățarea! - să încheiem parteneriate cu tot felul de instituții și organizații pentru că știm că împreună impactul crește. 🎬 Cum începem? Cu un muzeu experiențial despre cutura Cucuteni. Vernisajul primei expoziții va avea loc pe data de 6 februarie 2022, la AC

Arts Lab 3.0: Demet Durdu - First snow

The first snow of the year fell in December. At first, it looked like a postcard everywhere. It was very nice, it gave you a good feeling to have your coffee and look at the snow by the window. But things changed when I went out. In some places, the snow reached my knees and I was very surprised. Then I thought, how will I live if this happens all the time? Fortunately, the snow melted, the sun came out and I started to feel better. December has been exciting for us. Christmas and New Year excitement. We drew the lottery and everyone bought presents for each other. I was working in the ceramic studio that day and I was covered in dust. We gathered at the youth center to give each other presents. First, a very moving video was made for Krista. I was so excited about Krista's video that I couldn't help but shed tears. My secret Santa was Leire and when I found out, I had the shock of my life. I did not expect it. She made a collage of 600 photos that we took together and share th