The story of Rroma HeArt & Experiential Rroma Museum (ERM)
The Experiential Rroma Museum is the main result of the „Rroma HeArt” Erasmus+ project, a youth exchange developed by SUPER TINERI in partnership with 8 organisations from Europe. The museum is not a place presenting objects and history, it is the place where you feel, where you live, where you learn and understand by experience how is to be a Rroma, approaching all the stereotypes: the music, the dance, the food and the lack of resources. The museum draws attention to those stereotypes and fights against them by making young people to personally experience the context where many Rroma are forced to live. At the end, with the right debriefing, the participants are becoming more aware and more tolerant regarding the needs, the lives and the challenges of Rroma community. The Experiential Rroma Museum was more effective in promoting tolerance, and diversity than any other activity about Rroma and minority rights, we did. The story of the youth exchange During the first two day