
Se afișează postări cu eticheta Ioannis_Pitris

Dissemination Events: Sports Activator in Thessaloniki, Greece

In Thessaloniki, Greece, Sports Activator took place with 7 youth from local community.  Ioannis Pitris, the coordinator of the event, stated that they planned an informational session that was shared online, while offline they organised a contact improvisation jam. The group was composed of participants with ages between 20-31 years old, who changed their plans to take part in the non-formal educational activities for an evening. In the reflection part, almost everyone expressed their unique feelings, both mental and physical. The Greek team was willing to share the amazing feedback received: “It is so magnificent to get together with young people, even strangers, and take part in such an activity. We have lost the meaning of living together in the big cities. We have lost human contact, human vibrations, cooperation and rhythm. Thank you all for being here tonight.”  - Dimos Tzimoulidis “In the beginning I thought that we were about to just dance! But now, wow: I feel my whole body