Schimb de tineri în Saldus, Letonia
În perioada 26 iunie - 3 iulie 2016, asociaţia noastră va trimite 7 reprezentanţi în Letonia, în oraşul Saldus, într-un proiect ce are ca temă sportul. În perioada 1-3 iunie a avut loc vizita de planificare în avans, la care a participat liderul asociaţiei SUPER TINERI. Mai jos găsiţi detalii despre proiect . "Sport for all" is Youth Exchange project coordinated by Saldus Children and Youth Center's department Saldus Youth leisure and initiative center - Šķūnis. We came to project idea by participating and meeting partners in similar Training Course in Tunis and later on working on it more at youth workers Training Course in Spain. Main idea for this exchange is to show and let young people experience that sport is an amazing way how to cooperate and that for enjoying active life style you don't need any specific set of skills. Project goal - give opportunity for youth to explore different sport activities into inter cultural environment. Taking into considerati