
Se afișează postări cu eticheta kick-off_meeting

APV: Youth Work Students in Action (YWSiA)

  Between 27 February - 2 March 2019, we had the pleasure to host for the Advance Planning Meeting (APV), two representatives: Marthe and Jamal, from the group of Norwegian volunteers that will come for two weeks volunteering service, in April, in our organisation.  The project is called Youth Work Students in Action (YWSiA) and aims to develop through relevant practice, the youth-working skills of 7 high-school students from Bergen, Norway. Our organisation will provide the opportunity to the students and leaders, to work in 5 contexts, involving 5 of our local partners: - Technological High-School "Petru Rareş" Tîrgu Frumos - Special High-School "Trinitas" Tîrgu Frumos - Special High-School "Moldova" Tîrgu Frumos  - General School "Petru Poni" Cucuteni - Day Center for Rroma Children Zmeu.  The conclusions of the APV are written bellow by Marthe and Jamal: " We are two young students from Norway, that have had the privil

Kick-off Meeting in Uganda

  Our colleague, Andreea Negoi is these days in Uganda, attending the first event of the KA2 project "Empowering Ugandan youth with EVS". We will share in this post, her experience and pictures from the hosting organisation. Today was the first day of the transnational kick-off-meeting in Uganda to begin work on the project called "Empowering Ugandan youth with EVS". This project is part of Erasmus KA 2 -  Capacity building in the field of youth. Together with partners from Turkey (Uçarlı Gençlik Derneğiand) and Spain (Asociación, Cultural Social Educativa Segundas Oportunidades), we are having the first visit to our partner association, Kawempe Youth Development Association, an organisation that works with the street children, orphans and young people, providing them a home and education. The project is based on volunteering activities, therefore our partner will host volunteers from Romania, Spain, and Turkey, for 3 months. The tasks of the volunteers will be