Sports Activator - results
Sports Activator project involved two main transnational meetings in Romania: a seminar and a short term volunteering activity, which involved more than 60 participants from 6 organisations of Turkey, Spain, Greece, Bulgaria and Romania. Aiming to raise the awareness on the value of sport and physical activity in relation to the personal, social and professional development of individuals, Sports Activator managed to gather together the ideas, the skills and the passions for physical education, nutrition and sports of 60 sport teachers, trainers, youth workers, volunteers, coaches, people involved in sport clubs and different people with various backgrounds in the sports field. During the seminar, we created a toolbox with the methods, tools, games, activities and all the information that we all agreed on putting in there, for other youth workers or sport facilitators that would like to learn more about engaging youth in sport activities. We worked together to design a non-formal sport