Arts Lab 2.0 results

Arts Lab 2.0 was a project funded by European Solidarity Corps that involved 4 volunteers passionate about arts, interested in developing themselves: Hanul Choi from Spain, Deniz Ataman from Turkey, Eliana Colzani from Italy and Omar Franco from Spain. The team of volunteer facilitated activities within the youth center of Super Tineri - ASIRYS Association from Târgu Frumos, Iași, Romania.

The main results of project were:
1. 4 young European artists developed skills and competences useful for their personal, educational, social, civic and professional growth of by a 8-month volunteering mobility involving creative and artistic activities as film-making, music, photography, ceramic, crafts and other cultural activities.
2. 10 northeastern schools and lyceums learned about volunteering and the European Solidarity Programme.
3. 80 children and young people from rural areas had access to artistic workshops for the personal development. 

The project provided the access of young people to solidarity activities that allowed them to express their commitment to the benefit of communities, acquiring experience, skills and competences useful for their personal, educational, social, civic and professional development. Even-though the activities of the volunteers was affected by the Covid-19 restrictions, we managed to accomplish the objectives of the project, by including the use of the online tools.

The 4 volunteers, with 4 different cultural backgrounds, were involved in different volunteering activities as:

- organization of workshops and activities in the community, for young people with fewer opportunities, according to the interests and passions of the volunteers: more than 50 online posts, 12 video blog - Art Frumos, 33 crafts, video, photography, music and ceramic workshops within the ASIRYS youth center, a virtual festival, 2 Arts Lab conferences, 4 Folcloristica documentary trips, 2 exhibitions of video, photography, music and ceramic, and a final event.
- 6 intercultural events, including Romanian - facilitated by the local volunteers, Korean and Peruvian night facilitated by Hanul and Omar, that have cultural background in those countries.
- the implementation of Arts Lab Caravan in 5 communities, where we met with more than 100 children. The Caravan program consisted in sharing information about European Solidarity Corps opportunities and promoting non-formal education by facilitating 4 types of workshops in arts: ceramic, video/storytelling, photography/crafting and music workshops.

The project was coordinated by a project team of Super Tineri consisting of an experienced coordinator, one mentor (ex-former volunteer - Nikolia) and 10 local volunteers. The project partners were chosen after the selection of the volunteers, based on the volunteers preferences.

The visual materials resulted can be followed at this links:








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