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Arts Lab 4.0 - Reflection time for 2022

Volunteering in our organization is challenging, with many ups and downs, with a strong connection to the local community, requires a lot of flexibility and commitment, but pays off, providing meaningful memories and lifelong friendships. We are grateful to have an amazing team of eight artists from six countries this year. And as it is almost the end of 2022, we took a moment of evaluation-reflection, to see where we are with the project. Here you have the answers of our volunteers. 1. What did you bring and how did you contribute to Arts Lab 4.0? criticism, rationality, energy, ideas, curiosity, some skills  music, giving concerts, workshop to revive the love for music in children support, help to work with new art materials passion for the art, kindness, involvement, my feelings, my past experiences my vibes art, culture, wisdom connections, energy, feelings, ideas, time, heart my solidarity, my good vibes, my time, my perspective and advises, my ideas, my love, my kindness, my help

Youthpass competences in Arts Lab 3.0 - Leire Saenz Quevedo

Sometimes the final evaluation reports don't show us very clear what our volunteers learned during their volunteering experience in our organisation, this is the reason we go to check the extended Youthpass certificates.  Here is the learning journey in Arts Lab 3.0 of Leire.  KEY COMPETENCES Based on the EU framework for Key Competences for lifelong learning (2018). MULTILINGUAL COMPETENCE During my ESC project, the language I used the most was English. Even though I considered myself quite fluent before starting this experience, using it for nine months made me improve my English. I especially improved my spoken English. Throughout the months I spent in Romania, I learned Romanian from scratch, which was really important for me, since I saw it as a way of better understanding the place and the people I was surrounded by, who had welcomed me with open arms from the very beginning. We had Romanian lessons almost every week, but there was a lot of learning that came from interacting

Youthpass competences in Arts Lab 3.0 - Krista Lipska

Sometimes the final evaluation reports don't show us very clear what our volunteers learned during their volunteering experience in our organisation, this is the reason we go to check the extended Youthpass certificates.  Here is the learning journey in Arts Lab 3.0 of Krista. KEY COMPETENCES Based on the EU framework for Key Competences for lifelong learning (2018). MULTILINGUAL COMPETENCE   During this project I improved my English, as well writing and articles. I learned a little bit of Romanian language, so mostly I can understand what people around me are saying and being able to answer some basic questions in Romanian. Another thing that I learned to do better through this project is writing articles in English, to explain myself better and find an understanding between different level English speakers adapting myself to needs. I improved my listening skills, so I can communicate properly with my team and local volunteers, as were other people who were participating in A

Arts Lab 2.0 results

Arts Lab 2.0 was a project funded by European Solidarity Corps that involved 4 volunteers passionate about arts, interested in developing themselves: Hanul Choi from Spain, Deniz Ataman from Turkey, Eliana Colzani from Italy and Omar Franco from Spain. The team of volunteer facilitated activities within the youth center of Super Tineri - ASIRYS Association from Târgu Frumos, Iași, Romania. The main results of project were: 1. 4 young European artists developed skills and competences useful for their personal, educational, social, civic and professional growth of by a 8-month volunteering mobility involving creative and artistic activities as film-making, music, photography, ceramic, crafts and other cultural activities. 2. 10 northeastern schools and lyceums learned about volunteering and the European Solidarity Programme. 3. 80 children and young people from rural areas had access to artistic workshops for the personal development.  The project provided the access of young people to

Rezultatele proiectului Arts Lab 1.0

Proiectul Arts Lab a fost un proiect de voluntariat, care a implicat 4 voluntari, cu vârsta cuprinsă între 18 şi 30 de ani, din Spania, Franța, Italia și Belgia. Proiectul a fost coordonat şi găzduit de Asociaţia SUPER TINERI (ASIRYS) în Târgu Frumos, jud. Iaşi, fiind finanțat de Programul Erasmus Plus, cu sprijinul Uniunii Europene.  Arts Lab 1.0 a implicat voluntari pasionaţi de arte în domeniile picturii, muzicii, fotografiei, dansului (contemporan și balet) şi a lucrului manual, care au realizat activităţi atât în mediul urban, cât şi în mediul rural. Scopul proiectului, de a implica tineri cu oportunităţi reduse în activităţi artistice de voluntariat şi de educaţie nonformala, a fost îndeplinit. Majoritatea obiectivelor proiectului au fost depăşite, astfel: - 4 voluntari internaţionali s-au dezvoltat personal prin cursuri de formare, prin crearea şi furnizarea către 100 de copii şi tineri cu oportunităţi reduse din Târgu Frumos şi satele limitrofe, a unui pachet de activităţi crea

Arts Lab Report: Volunteering in Eastern Europe

It was really interesting this month for me, I learned more about Eastern Europe culture, about the way of living, how they are thinking and relate to other people.  I have tried to adapt my behavior to the society where I am living now (Romania), to understand the rules and I have also tried to talk with as many people possible to find out what are the common topics of conversation here.  Now it is much clearer for me how cultures relate to each other, why there is peace between some and why there is war among others, each culture has its historical reason. And everyone carry the culture in their ideas and their behaviors. Thanks to this I have learned to accept others who are different from me, and I am aware I am different as well and I want to make this culture part of me. So far, I was amazed about the number of similarities that exist between my country Peru and the Romanian culture. The typical clothing, the music and the way they solve things. The second week we started to reco

Arts Lab report: The learning achievements of April

Well, time passes. It's the natural rule of the universe, and none of us humans are able to change it. The only thing we can do is to adapt ourselves to the unimaginable schedule of time.  My second month passed as well. Days have become longer, the season changed, the nature' passion for development has become more clear. I also developed... well, this is not a surprise. I am part of nature.  It was a strange month, nothing seemed to happen, but so many things happened. I changed a lot.  It started like the previous month, I was in isolation with my 3 housemates. We were continuing the tasks which Mihaela gave us, trying to be productive and reach as many people as possible. I kept creating the menu for the youth center cafeteria, and drawing other things on my computer. I can safely say that I wasn't enjoying digital drawing so much before, but I figured out it was only lack of practice. More I draw on the computer, the more I like it. This was a new discovery about me, t

Arts Lab Report: My second month in Târgu Frumos

The second month of volunteering in Târgu Frumos has just passed, spring has finally began and the hills around the city have changed their color to green. We also spent this month at home in quarantine, but according to the rules we finally started going to work in the youth center. As I started quarantine when I arrived here, to have the possibility to work in the center has been a good change and it helped me to concentrate better in the work. This month we also continued our Romanian lessons in which we learnt some new basic and useful sentences, verbs and words. Since some time we are also hosting a cat, we called her Lisa and every day she comes to our home to eat and stay a bit with us. During this second month, with the other volunteers, we wrote the text for a song about the corona-virus. We made a rap song which deals about this period of quarantine and some basic measures we should adopt to avoid contagion. We recorded our voices singing and we made a video-clip using what w

Arts Lab Report: Hanul Choi’s April report

April started off quite well. After the first month of quarantine, things were too stable for a while so me and my colleagues got motivated and started to do some tasks. Working at home was hard for sure as I am not used to live and work in the same space. Either way, the month started off strong by recording workshop and creating rap song about the Covid-19. Because of the quarantine,  doing or practicing workshops in front of people were impossible, so we adapted immediately to the online platform. After the mild success of the drawing workshop we did, we continued right away with the next one which is how to make salt dough. That workshop was quite fun as we altogether made all kind of weird figures with the salt dough and painted it afterwards. We even made medals and started to compete between each other for it through different challenges. Spending time with friends always help psychologically and trying new things together is the solution to boredom. A second song was composed a

Arts Lab report: The monumental silence of everything

This is my first month in Romania, before arriving in this country I had expectations of knowing the most beautiful places and sharing a lot of art with my new colleagues. The first week in Romania I have shared with Hanul and Mihaela very valuable time in the youth center, where we learned what our roles were and the things we had to do during volunteering. The second week, with the entire team of volunteers at home, we started to plan art workshops for the youth. I met my mentor Nikolia and Zaharias who is a love! We also learned about the importance of volunteering and we got to know new places in Târgu Frumos. The third week we were told that we could not leave home due to the contagion of covid 19 and since then we have been here at home all together doing daily activities. We have created a small garden with the experience of Deniz and we have made videos with the talent of Hanul. We have also done photography sessions with Eliana's super eye. These are days of not knowing wh