
Se afișează postări din mai, 2021

Changemaker: Ioana Cătălina Eșanu - The need for value in children’s lives

Project Title : The need for value in children’s lives Changemaker :  Ioana Cătălina Eșanu Message for the world : Together we can change the world 1. Previous experience: It is my first project.   2. The Problem :   In my community, I have noticed that many children do not have self-esteem and make choices based on the opinions of others and not based on what they really want or like. I consider that those who are most affected by this problem are the 8th-grade students because they often choose a specialization in high school that does not suit them. In the commune I belong to, I met students who went in the wrong direction, who chose the wrong profile, and along the way realized that they did not make the right choice. 3. The Solution : In order to contribute to solving the problem, I want to organize a workshop about the “Career Orientation” topic with the 8th-grade students from the villages of Ceplenița commune, Iași county. During the workshop, the participants will take a

Changemaker: Elena Prună - Your voice can change the word!

Project Title : Your voice can change the word! Changemaker :  Elena Prună Message for the world : ''Be the change you want to see in the world!'' - Mahatma Gandhi 1. Previous experience: Yes, I have organized activities before. The project involved documentation activities on the topic of local cultural heritage, selection activities of photographs and information for the exhibition, fundraising activities necessary for the implementation of the project, activities for the production and acquisition of materials needed to organize the exhibition, activities to make a video to presents elements from the history of Pașcani. More details on the page:  2. The Problem :   The problem I would like to work on is child trafficking for the purpose of exploitation of any kind. For 30 years, Romania has been the country that exports the most trafficked persons from the European Union. By definition, trafficking means "the recrui

Changemaker: Denisa Gabriela Sandu - Changing Together

Project Title : Changing Together Changemaker :  Denisa Gabriela Sandu Message for the world : Together we can do a miracle! 1. Previous experience: No previous experience.   2. The Problem :   One issue in my community that I would like to address is discrimination between children. A high percentage of the children I have met cannot understand that everyone is the same, that they should not marginalize anyone, that they should not behave badly with those who have different skin color or come from a more disadvantaged environment. Discriminated children have great problems integrating and relating to others because they feel different and marginalized, which in long term will lead to important social issues. 3. The Solution :   I want to organize a workshop where I will explain to the children of my community how bad is to discriminate. I want to encourage the children to feel useful, loved, to make them feel that they are part of a group in which they can express their emotions,

Changemaker: Elena Vintilă - Yin & Yang Community

Project Title : Yin & Yang Community Changemaker :  Elena Vintilă Message for the world : Give yourself the chance to follow your star! 1. Previous experience: No previous experience.   2. The Problem :   While living in a small community where people's mentality is rather difficult to  change, I have noticed that gender equality is neglected. Girls in particular are more likely to be confronted with violence, sexist stereotypes, or gender-based discrimination. Gender-based stereotypes and expectations also affect girls’ and boys’ self-image, identity, health, skills acquisition, intellectual development, social integration and gender relations. These stereotypes affect boys’ and girls’ educational choices, girls are less encouraged to get involved with science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, and boys more likely to drop out from school. 3. The Solution :   I will organize a workshop filled with interesting activities which aim to help 10 boys and girls to reali

Changemaker: Iasmina Mancaș - Art Sun Club: My education, my future

Project Title : Art Sun Club: My education, my future Changemaker : Iasmina Mancaș Message for the world : “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” – Nelson Mandela 1. Previous experience: I organized various activities that dealt with the right to education, specifically the rights of the students. I participated in various workshops on this topic. 2. The Problem :   Unfortunately, Covid-19 restrictions had a negative impact on children's education. Most of the Romanian children claimed that they couldn't properly learn during online classes and they need private classes to recover the learning gaps. But not all parents' children afford to pay for extra lessons, especially when is about learning a foreign language such as English. This school subject becomes a priority only in the secondary or high school cycle. By deepening the English language from the primary classes, children can have a broader general culture, at the same time

Changemaker: Bianca Boianu - Embrace the change

Project Title : Embrace the change Changemaker :  Bianca Boianu Message for the world : ”Let's practice motivation and love, not discrimination and hate.” (Zendaya) 1. Previous experience: No previous experience.   2. The Problem :   Discrimination has always been a major issue around me. There have always been differences between people in all the contexts in which I was included, transmitted as prejudices of any kind and/or harsh words thrown at "different" people. This problem, especially in our modern age, should no longer exist. E ven though I am aware that this will never be fully possible, I want to make a difference and fight discrimination, bringing equality and love among young people. I want to be part of the generation of change, that understands equity, solidarity, and non-discrimination. 3. The Solution :   I would like to organize a meeting on the Zoom platform in which the issue of discrimination in our society will be debated. During the meeting, we