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Changemaker: Elena Vintilă - Yin & Yang Community

Project Title: Yin & Yang Community

Changemaker Elena Vintilă

Message for the world: Give yourself the chance to follow your star!

1. Previous experience:

No previous experience.  

2. The Problem: 

While living in a small community where people's mentality is rather difficult to  change, I have noticed that gender equality is neglected. Girls in particular are more likely to be confronted with violence, sexist stereotypes, or gender-based discrimination. Gender-based stereotypes and expectations also affect girls’ and boys’ self-image, identity, health, skills acquisition, intellectual development, social integration and gender relations. These stereotypes affect boys’ and girls’ educational choices, girls are less encouraged to get involved with science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, and boys more likely to drop out from school.

3. The Solution: 

I will organize a workshop filled with interesting activities which aim to help 10 boys and girls to realize that they are not as different as they think, and that we can build important things if we work together. By carrying out this project, I want to develop the children who will participate in this project, the sense of productive communication, team work and, last but not least, gender equality, making them aware that as long as we respect each other and do not make any difference, we can be much stronger and happier.

4. Beneficiaries:

10  teenagers, 13 to 17 years old, will be a part of the workshop.

5. Team:  

I will need the help of a colleague to regulate possible technical and  organizational issues.

6. Objective:

My smart goal is to raise awareness of gender equality among 10 teenagers in Târgu Frumos by organizing a non-formal educational workshop.

7. Project duration:  

2 month (March - April 2021)

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