Arts Lab 4.0: Month II, Sara Torrijos - Resilience

It has been two months since I started my adventure in Romania, during this time I have visited Piatra Neamț, Sovata, Sibiu, Lacul Roșu, Suceava, Gura Humorului, and Iași. I discovered more about Romania, and made new friends.

On the 12th of September Wasan and Maja arrived at our house and on the 3rd of October, Chiara and Ataota finally became the Art Lab 4.0 team.

We have started new activities with the students of the Liceul Tehnologic "Petru Rareș" Târgu Frumos. There has been a whole week of activities for them, with folklore characters creation workshop, animation workshop, and board game creation workshop. During this time I was able to connect with the students and support them to lose fear, dare to create, take care of the details, and be surprised by the quality of their final works.

I learned Romanian, I have improved my social skills, I am more versatile and able to explore arts in a multidisciplinary manner, I am more open to embracing new experiences and changing contexts, I can tell I am becoming here truly resilient. I have discovered more about myself during this time, new emotions, and new achievements, in short, I have been very happy this month.   

Sara Torrijos is doing a long-term volunteering project in our organisation, under Arts Lab 4.0, a project funded by European Solidarity Corps, a programme of the European Union.


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