
Se afișează postări cu eticheta Sara_Torrijos

Arts Lab 4.0: Month VII, Sara Torrijos - Final report

 I just came across the pictures from the past few months on my computer, and it's hard to believe that the project has come to an end. This project has been an important moment in my life, since I decided to start volunteering, I tried to help people as much as possible. I would have never imagined living in another country if Mihaela hadn't called me. And now, I’m very glad that events unfolded in this way. I have always believed that there was some kind of synchronicity in my life that brought me closer to this country. When I was a university student, I developed an interest in the project “Wild Man” of the photographer Charles Freger. The series of photographs I was interested in, showed mythological costumes from Romanian folklore. As a result, I began to incorporate these influences into my work, and eventually, I made my first trip to Romania as a result of a relationship. Since then, many coincidences have brought me closer to Romanians and Romania. Something I have be

Arts Lab 4.0: Month VI, Sara Torrijos - Proud

We finished the month of January with the final day at Ion Creangă School, where we shared the secret box activity with our students. It was an activity that made them feel safe and confident, and helped them explore their emotions. During the preparations for the exhibition at the Rroma Museum, I designed the logo for the museum and Chiara and I developed "The Map of the Emotions" game. The exhibition included multimedia, tarot games, and art-theater installations. As facilitators, we invited participants to share their emotions in response to different stimuli, helping them to identify and position themselves within the different main emotions. At the beginning of February, we started working at Liceul Special "Moldova". During that week, we shared different Jewish games and recipes with the children while recording sounds for our audio-book. I'm starting to think about the end of this project and I feel very glad to have had the opportunity to experience it.

Arts Lab 4.0: Month V, Sara Torrijos - A complex experience

In my first day of the fifth month I was in Cluj celebrating the new year with Federica, Chiara, Maja, Wasan, Ataota and other friends. It was really nice to visit Cluj, I really like the canal that cross the city and also seeing the Christmas decoration at night. It was really nice to spend time with my friends, getting warm with the typical spicy hot wine that are served in the Christmas market, enjoying street concerts and discovering the old city centre. When we arrived at home, in Târgu Frumos, I was really excited to see my cat, Tormenta. I was far from her for more than two weeks and I really missed her. She was good, only she lost a little weight from the stress of being away from me, but now is okay, totally perfect. Almost without realizing it, we started to prepare the next topic “Rroma Alternative Museum”. For this occasion, Chiara and I decided to collaborate and create a complex experience through the emotions with labs inspiring from magic, theater and emotional intellig

Arts Lab 4.0: Month IV, Sara Torrijos - Lot of inspiration

December is my fourth month in Romania, during the last part of November we finished the Alternative Museum of Folklore, and the final exhibition has been incredible. I am really proud of my friends, they worked really hard and this is something that we could feel when they showed their final artwork. So for the exhibition of the Cucuteni, I was expecting the best, and of course, it was a really beautiful experience. We exchanged different roles during the exhibition and we created a really full journey to the Cucuteni civilization. One of the things that I most liked was the fact that we worked connecting, and also we exchanged a lot of inspiration with each other. While I was preparing my final product for the last museum (Cucuteni Alternative Museum), working with the students of Garabet Ibrăileanu School, I finished my personal artwork and showed it in Espacio LaRaiz in Granada, Spain. It is very exciting to realize how this time has made me change, I have also realized that I am a

Arts Lab 4.0: Month III, Sara Torrijos - Inspiring & creative

When I look at the calendar and see that I have been living in Romania for 3 months already, I can hardly believe it! The last month has been fully of experiences and activities, among them, being involved in the Folcloristica Festival (VIII) the last week of October was an incredible experience where we could see some of the most representative dancing performances of different villages. The Turkish international night was very funny, we could enjoy with the company of the local volunteers and I could see my friends and dance with them. The final exposition of MAF Muzeul Alternativ de Folclor was undoubtedly the most awaited moment for everyone, we worked really hard in our final products, I finished a beautiful board game with 34 cards illustrated by students, friends and local artists in the community. I’m feeling really excited with this project and with the help of Alin, we created the online game. Also, I created the identity of my board game called MYTH, the logotype and identit