Arts Lab 4.0: Month III, Chiara Gentili - Courage

If I have to be honest, I still struggle to realize that even the third month has already passed and that therefore I have officially reached the middle of my experience.

The past month has been the most complicated and complex for me. For the first time since I started volunteering I came out of the magic bubble that has been created and I went back to Italy for the Christmas holidays. I do not hide that I felt fear because I feared to go back in time and lose all the things experienced and learned here. This feeling has in fact accompanied me a little in these days, but my family and friends welcomed me with open arms and hearts full of love.

Before leaving, I worked on the creation of the Cucuteni Alternative museum. In the design phase I felt lost because I was not clear in mind how to reconcile this culture with the work I would have to do with the students of the Garabet Ibrăileanu institute. For the first time, however, I had the courage to rely on myself and this has allowed me to enjoy more of the work done with my group who have given me great satisfaction and moments that I will carry in my heart.

Now I'm ready to continue my journey here and I can't wait to start working, creating and living again because I feel this is all I need.

Chiara Gentili is from Italy and she's doing a six-month volunteering project under Arts Lab 4.0,  funded by the European Union through the European Solidarity Corps Programme.


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