
Se afișează postări din martie, 2023

Comunități Școlare în Sinergie: Despre coaching și mentalitate deschisă în educație

Sâmbătă am fost gazda celui de-al doilea eveniment marca Comunități Școlare în Sinergie organizat de Liceul Special ”Moldova” Târgu Frumos, la ACT House, centrul nostru de tineret. Am avut invitate deosebite, Irina Kuhlmann și Denisa Dăscălescu, care ne-au introdus în lumea coachingului și a mentalității deschise. În cuvinte simple, coachingul este arta de a pune întrebări cu sens, care stimulează dezvoltarea tinerilor și a celor cu care interacționăm. Ca să pui întrebările potrivite e important să exersezi conexiunea profundă cu interlocutorul. Profunzimea o poți dobândi prin atenția pe care o acorzi gândurilor și emoțiilor tale. Ce-ți spui? Cum rămâi prezent? Cum reacționezi când primești feedback negativ? Cum asculți?   Apoi am experimentat o mostră din programul de formare ''Mentalitate Deschisă în Educație'', implementat în România de SuperTeach, după metodologii dezvoltate de Institutul #Arbinger.  În cadrul prezentării, fiecare dintre noi a împărtășit o valoare ș

Arts Lab 4.0: Month V, Fatma Mohamed Ibrahim Mahmoud - Grateful

 I can’t believe that I'm writing the final monthly report. Time has flown by so quickly, and I have experienced a lot of emotions, challenges, and tears. There's so much to say about the past five and a half months. I've met many new people, some of whom have become like family to me, while others have influenced and shaped me in different ways. Let me begin by expressing my gratitude to my team, Arts Lab 0.4. I've learned so much from them, and we've been through both good and bad times together. We've laughed, cried, danced, sang, and, most importantly, hugged each other. It felt like a source of energy for us, and we've grown together. I want to thank them from the bottom of my heart for making this project so special. Without them, it would not have been the same. I love you all! Working here was not easy. Each exhibition brought new challenges, information, and memories. However, what I enjoyed most was the process of working, which involved research,

Arts Lab 4.0: Month VI, Sara Torrijos - Proud

We finished the month of January with the final day at Ion Creangă School, where we shared the secret box activity with our students. It was an activity that made them feel safe and confident, and helped them explore their emotions. During the preparations for the exhibition at the Rroma Museum, I designed the logo for the museum and Chiara and I developed "The Map of the Emotions" game. The exhibition included multimedia, tarot games, and art-theater installations. As facilitators, we invited participants to share their emotions in response to different stimuli, helping them to identify and position themselves within the different main emotions. At the beginning of February, we started working at Liceul Special "Moldova". During that week, we shared different Jewish games and recipes with the children while recording sounds for our audio-book. I'm starting to think about the end of this project and I feel very glad to have had the opportunity to experience it.

Arts Lab 4.0: Month V, Cihan - Strage feeling

And we are in our fifth month. It sounds weird, but it's unbelievable that the project is now ending. I am in a strange feeling between the sadness that it will end and the happiness of the wonderful memories I now have. I will remember this beautiful experience with wonderful feelings. As for the topic of work this month. We started our work by watching documentaries on the Holocaust and what happen during that time in Iași county. For one week, we held art activities with students at the "Moldova High School", a school with a high concentration of visually impaired children. When we first met the students at school, I asked all of them as a group to write a poem about how they felt about the Jewish history in Târgu Frumos. In this way, a whole school wrote a poem together. Then we composed and recorded this poem together with the students who chose the music workshop. The result it is a great song. The youngsters were truly incredibly talented. They did a great job. The