
Se afișează postări cu eticheta Eliana_Colzani

Arts Lab Report: A busy last month

Here is it, my last month of volunteering in Târgu Frumos! It has been a very busy month and also full of new meetings, trips and events.   First we went in Piatra Neamț, where we visited the Cucuteni Museum, that collects ceramics from the Cucuteni civilisation, there we saw different kinds of pots and statues, all decorated with the typical motives and colors. During all the month, together with local volunteers, we went with the caravan to visit the nearby villages where we held our workshops and documented the local artists. We first went to Oțeleni where we met an artisan who is specialized in making  the traditional Ia and a musician who sang two songs and showed his house decorated with traditional objects and textiles. The successive caravan was in Feredeni where the hospitality of the locals was really great. They prepared for us a typical lunch and the Grupul Vocal Hugheșelul, made up of local teenagers and children, sang and danced some traditional songs for the Folcloristic

Arts Lab Report: Exploring Romania

August was a month full of travels and visits to new places!  Together with local volunteers we started to go to the nearby villages to try our workshops with local children and teenagers. The first place we visited was Butea, there we stayed in the local school for the workshops, than we had the opportunity to meet  and document the work of some local artists for the Folcloristica festival.  It was very interesting to know them and to learn about their music and their art. They showed us a room of their house which was decorated according to tradition, with hand-made clothes and they sang and dance some traditional songs. I really like to meet passionate artists who showed us their work and thanks to them I can say I learnt something new about the art and music in Romania. During all the month, in addition to the other activities, I continued the photography and crafting workshops in the youth center with local volunteers and I thought them how to make jewellery with wires.  August wa

Dissemination Arts Lab 2.0: Eliana Colzani on the Radio Popolare

 On 1 September 2020, Eliana Colzani was invited by the Radio Popolare staff to speak about her European Solidarity Corps experience in Romania. The link with the conversation they had, can be checked bellow.   Arts Lab 2.0 is a project funded by European Solidarity Corps, with the support of European Union.    

Arts Lab Report: Improving techniques

July brought new meetings and activities, I finally started experimenting the photography workshops with the local volunteers and youngsters, who started to accompany us in our activities. Being able to work with them was motivating and it helped me to learn and improve in communicating and teaching to young people something about my passion. During the first part of the month I also dedicated to continue the photographic project regarding the search for what most attracts my attention in the city of Târgu Frumos: the markets, the surrounding hills, the streets. For the project I chose to focus on aspects related to daily life, nature and the relationship between the inhabitants and the landscape. Through my photos I chose to document  details and moments along the streets of the city, looking for connections and relationships between different environments.  Towards the end of the month in the youth center we held a conference attended by some teachers and psychologists. During this e

Arts Lab Report: New learnings

June has passed and I now find myself in the half of this volunteering experience in Târgu Frumos. More than the previous months, June has been full of new encounters and trips to discover new places. During the first week we visited the Jewish cemetery, a place rich in history, located in the hills around the city. The place is unfortunately left in a state of semi abandonment with most of the gravestones covered with vegetation. Here I met the caretaker, a lady who lives nearby and who told me something about the history of the place and how even today, despite none of the Jewish community is living in the city, somebody still comes from other cities to visit it. Near where the cemetery is located I also met some families belonging to the Rroma community, with the help of a local volunteer I talked with them and took some photos that will become part of the photographic project through which I am documenting Târgu Frumos. As I like drawing in the computer I collaborated in the editin

Arts Lab Report: Experiencing Romania and its culture

May have been a month really full of new activities and encounters! The measures to be maintained in respect of the quarantine became softer, so I finally had the opportunity to travel a bit and also to visit the center of Iaşi.  This month started with the on arrival training that we were supposed to do in Bucharest. Unfortunately we had to carry it out online but it was interesting for the methodologies adopted that kept it dynamic even if we were all the time in front of a PC. The training lasted 10 days and we learnt something about the culture of Romania and volunteering in a project. It has also been a good way to learn new methods for working online with other people, but above all it allowed us to get to know the other volunteers in the country and to share experiences about ourselves and the activities we are realizing. By talking with the other volunteers we discovered how everyone was in a similar situation during the quarantine and we also make contact on order to organise

Arts Lab Report: My second month in Târgu Frumos

The second month of volunteering in Târgu Frumos has just passed, spring has finally began and the hills around the city have changed their color to green. We also spent this month at home in quarantine, but according to the rules we finally started going to work in the youth center. As I started quarantine when I arrived here, to have the possibility to work in the center has been a good change and it helped me to concentrate better in the work. This month we also continued our Romanian lessons in which we learnt some new basic and useful sentences, verbs and words. Since some time we are also hosting a cat, we called her Lisa and every day she comes to our home to eat and stay a bit with us. During this second month, with the other volunteers, we wrote the text for a song about the corona-virus. We made a rap song which deals about this period of quarantine and some basic measures we should adopt to avoid contagion. We recorded our voices singing and we made a video-clip using what w

Arts Lab Report: My first month in Târgu Frumos

My first month of volunteering in Târgu Fumos finished. When I arrived here, as I came from Italy, I immediately started the quarantine at home. Than, one week later we all begun to stay at home. Because of this situation our work and experience here has, of course, become a bit different from what I expected and we all had to change our plans and to organise the work for the project in a different way.  During the first week here, I had my first Whatsapp meeting with Nikolia, our mentor. We presented ourselves and talked about my motivation and expectations for the next months. I also organised the first workshop (about the bases of photography) that I would like to set up here. I hope I will be able to start as soon as the quarantine time is over. I also collaborated in the writing of Sports Activator articles for which I created 17 info-graphic files with photos and also 17 texts for the Facebook page. I also wrote the Italian lines for the arrival song composed with the other vol

People of Arts Lab: Eliana Colzani

I love traveling. Last year, after graduating, I decided to leave for Perù for a year of civil service. It was the first time I went to live on my own far away from my city. During this time I understood that I want to continue to move around, to meet new cultures and places, so I decided to come here in Târgu Frumos, a small village in Romania surrounded by nature, very different from the big and chaotic city of Lima where I was accompanied all the day by the sound of cars and buses. When I travel I always take with me my sketchbook, some films and my camera. Everywhere I go I like to have this things with me, to have the opportunity to make memory and document what I see. #storiesofvolunteers #artslab #europeansolidaritycorps #meetourvolunteers #supertineri #asirys Arts Lab 2.0 is a project funded by European Solidarity Corps, with the support of European Union.  

Volunteers in quarantine

I find myself in Târgu Frumos, a small city in Romania. I’m here with other three volunteers through the European Solidarity Corps programme and we will stay in Târgu Frumos until the month of October. As a lot of people, after the COVID-19 outbreak, 3 weeks ago we started the quarantine. We are not allowed to work in the city’s youth center and in the schools, so we spend all the day at home and in the garden; day by day, the quarantine has become a good chance to take time for ourselves, to do things we usually have few time to do and to invent a new ways to organise workshops and projects. We started to do different activities like gardening, drawing, singing or shooting workshops about health recipes, drawing and crafting; in order to publish them and stay in contact with the community. I like to describe with images what I see, trough photography we can make memories and we can learn something.  During these days I started to document with my camera the day routine: activiti