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Dissemination Events: Sports Activator in Thessaloniki, Greece

In Thessaloniki, Greece, Sports Activator took place with 7 youth from local community.  Ioannis Pitris, the coordinator of the event, stated that they planned an informational session that was shared online, while offline they organised a contact improvisation jam. The group was composed of participants with ages between 20-31 years old, who changed their plans to take part in the non-formal educational activities for an evening. In the reflection part, almost everyone expressed their unique feelings, both mental and physical. The Greek team was willing to share the amazing feedback received: “It is so magnificent to get together with young people, even strangers, and take part in such an activity. We have lost the meaning of living together in the big cities. We have lost human contact, human vibrations, cooperation and rhythm. Thank you all for being here tonight.”  - Dimos Tzimoulidis “In the beginning I thought that we were about to just dance! But now, wow: I feel my whole body

Dissemination Events: Sports Activator in Valencia, Spain

Velizara Koleva Pencheva, member of the Spanish team, shared that Sports Activator had 23 participants in Valencia. Veli organised a presentation about EVS Sports Activator to explain the aim and the process. The sports games were performed on the beach. There was also integrated the following energizers: Oh alele, Big-fat pony, the 7 claps, penguins and storks, Petanca, Volley beach, Chinese football and baseball.  The participants acknowledge the benefits and values of the given information about a healthy lifestyle. The feedback received stated that “it was funny, stress removal, created good connections between the participants, improved team working skills”. The beneficiaries confirmed that they enjoyed the training energizers and the activities. For that reason, they would like to repeat the experience.  Sports Activator was co-funded by Erasmus+ Sport Programme, with the support of the European Union.   Sports Activator project had two main meetings in Romania, which invol

Dissemination Events: Sports Activator in Athens

In Athens, Greece, the Sports Activator event involved 20 students and 7 coaches. At the start, the coordinators and the coaches discussed the benefits of healthy nutrition and the importance of letting children know about this topic. Sotiria Karali explained that the team selected a variety of activities such as the burning ball, the sea-land, say a name and clap your hand. The students were divided into 2 groups and performed the sports games mentioned above. The event had a significant impact. Both coaches and students showed real interest in health and nutrition. Sports Activator is co-funded by Erasmus+ Sport Programme, with the support of the European Union.   Sports Activator project had two main meetings in Romania, which involved more than 70 participants from 8 countries and different communities. We managed to gather together sport teachers, trainers, youth workers, volunteers, coaches, people involved in sport clubs and different participants with various backgrounds in

Dissemination Events: Sports Activator in Patras

On behalf of the Greek team from Patras, Aikaterini Stefanou stated that Sports Activator was accomplished with 120 students and 7 teachers. In order to perform the activities, the students were divided into 4 groups. Each group had to go through 4 different sessions. One of the groups played basketball and ping pong, while the second realized a graffiti in school. The third group presented and debated videos regarding healthy lifestyle and nutrition. The final one used the activities learned during the training course of Sports Activator in Romania. The games applied for the fourth group are the following: fruit-salad, burning ball, clap your hands, say a name, grab a tail, collect clothes pegs. The event was a success, the participants enjoyed the games and were involved in all the activities. Participants' IMPRESSIONS: “I had a great day at school." "I want to play again these games." "I really enjoyed playing together with students and teachers." Sports

Sports Activator Ruginoasa

Luni, 5 august 2019, am desfăşurat primul eveniment comunitar de promovare a mişcării - Sports Activator. Atelierele dezvoltate de cei 16 voluntari internaţionali, sprijiniţi de 10 voluntari locali, au implicat 52 de copii din Ruginoasa în jocuri şi activităţi prin care au învăţat despre nutriţie, educaţie fizică, viaţă sănătoasă şi Erasmus+ Sport. Evenimentul a fost un succes, copiii ne-au întrebat când mai venim, şi deşi am experimentat o vreme capricioasă cu soare puternic şi furtună, copiii au fost complet fascinaţi de jocurile experimentate în cele 4 ore de activităţi. Mulţumim gazdelor, dna Cristina Ioana Axinia de la Centrul Cultural Ruginoasa şi Primăriei Ruginoasa pentru sprijin şi resurse! Urmează să mergem în alte 9 comunităţi, în weekend ne pregătim pentru copiii şi tinerii din Cucuteni şi din Lungani! Sports Activator este un proiect co-finanţat de programul Erasmus+ Sport, cu sprijinul Uniunii Europene. Monday, 5 August 2019, we had the first Sports Activator event

Sports Activator: Volunteering as sports leaders

Between 1 August - 2 September 2019, we are hosting 15 volunteers from Bulgaria, Greece, Spain and Turkey. Together with 15 Romanian volunteers, they will develop a Experiential Sport Center, will promote sports and healthy lifestyle in 10 local communities and will develop an European Sport event that will be implemented in 5 countries.  Here you can check an album that presents the planning and preparation process for the volunteering activities.  To support the volunteers, we will involve 5 mentors. First of them is Victor Popa alias Domnul de Karate. Victor is from Bucharest, has 20 years experience in the field of sports and during his career worked with thousand of children. He helped the volunteers to plan the first sport event for the children of Ruginoasa.  Sports Activator is co-funded by Erasmus+ Sport Programme, with the support of European Union. Între 1 August - 2 Septembrie 2019, găzduim 15 voluntari din Bulgaria, Grecia, Spania şi Turcia. Împreună cu 15 volunta

Adoptă un Voluntar! Tineri din Europa caută gazde la Târgu Frumos

În perioada 1-31 August 2019, Asociaţia Super Tineri (ASIRYS) va găzdui 14 voluntari (18+ ani) din Turcia, Grecia, Spania, Bulgaria, prin Programul Erasmus+ Sport. Tinerii vor desfăşura activităţi de voluntariat în domeniul sportiv, în Târgu Frumos şi în satele limitrofe (Ruginoasa, Butea, Oţeleni etc.). Aceştia vor amenaja un centru sportiv alternativ, vor dezvolta un concept de eveniment sportiv european şi îl vor implementa la nivel local şi în comunităţile din regiunea nord-est interesate. De asemenea, voluntarii vor desfăşura activităţi de educaţie nonformală pentru a încuraja mişcarea şi viaţa sănătoasă, în rândul copiilor şi tinerilor din comunităţile mici. Prin programul "Adoptă un Voluntar!" căutăm familii gazdă, din Târgu Frumos sau satele din apropiere, ce doresc să interacţioneze şi să găzduiască tineri europeni, pentru o perioadă de o lună de zile. Prin găzduirea în sânul unei familii, ne dorim ca tinerii să experimenteze viaţa de zi cu zi în România, să descop

Seminar: Sports Activator, 1-7 July 2019

Interested in sports? Open to share your experience and design a European sport event? Youth worker doing or willing to use sports for community development? Then apply for Sports Activator!  Sports Activator seminar aims to build a transnational network in the field of sport in order to create a toolbox with methods, instruments, good practices to support the participation in sport and physical activity of youth. The transnational seminar Sports Activator is targeting 33 youth workers, facilitators, trainers, coaches, staff involved in sports clubs from Europe, youth passionate about sports. The main result will be the creation of a toolbox with methods, instruments, good practices aiming to support the participation in sport and physical activity of youth. The seminar will take place in Romania, between 1-7 July 2019.  The seminar will be based on non-formal education methodology and during the seminar, we will use the Open Space Technology (OST) method in which we will let the