Changemaker: Mateo Alecsa - Green Village
Project Title: Green Village Changemaker: Tudor Mateo Alecsa Message for the world: Helping nature, helps you! 1. Previous experience When I was younger, I organized a campaign for promoting a healthy lifestyle by doing sport or dance, among the children of my class. Unfortunately, I don’t have any links. 2. The Problem In my village there are many people who do not understand the impact on their health and throw away, without caring, the garbage that comes from their daily activities. I have noticed several times how drivers throw packaging in traffic, which end up on the green field or in public spaces. These types of behaviors are affecting the children's well-being and represents a bad example for them. 3. The Solution I would like to run an awareness campaign on the impact of mismanagement of waste in order to inspire the people of my village to care more about the environment and to keep it clean. To do this, I will engage 20 children - of 7 to 12 years old, f