
Se afișează postări cu eticheta Zmeu

Changemaker: Maria Cezara Murgu - Children's Voice

Project Title : Children's voice Changemaker :  Maria Cezara Murgu Message for the world : ''All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.''  Walt Disney 1. Previous experience: No, I didn't organize such activities before, but it is never too late.  2. The Problem : One of the main problems in my community is low quality education. Most children do not receive an adequate education, because either the family is not interested and does not consider the most important education, or the environment / entourage is toxic and influential. Children who perform poorly in school do not receive adequate support and are generally blamed by parents and teachers. No one wonders if poor results are not caused by teaching methods, by the fact that a child does not feel appreciated, or because he is not encouraged by his family or the adults around him. I think every child is good at something. If he has bad results at school, it means that there is

Changemaker: Petronela-Georgiana Nache - A helping hand!

Project Title : A helping hand! Changemaker :  Petronela-Georgiana Nache Message for the world : Let's do good together! 1. Previous experience: No,  I don't have previous experience.  2. The Problem : I believe that one of the problems in my village is poverty. Many children in my community are poor and even the things they want are small, they hardly have access to it. On the other side, the children that have a good situation are not taught to share and to be kind with those less fortunate. The problem of poverty is very difficult to solve, but what I can do is to facilitate an event to teach my friends to be better people and give a sparkle of happiness to the children in need. 3. The Solution :   I plan to organize an event in which I will invite 10 vulnerable children, all from Zmeu village. The reason for the invitation is to play and to organize a photo shoot with cool dresses and clothes. Children from poor families will have a surprise, at the end, they will be i

Changemaker: Beatrice Dumitru - I Miss My Dad!

Project Title : I Miss My Dad! Changemaker :  Beatrice Dumitru Message for the world : Help and you will be helped! 1. Previous experience: No,  I don't have previous experience.  2. The Problem : One of the problems of the children from my village is the departure of the parents for working abroad. Personally, I was affected by this issue, as my father left the country for several years due to a lack of financial resources. Migration abroad is an important problem in Romania, some researches say that we have the highest rate in the world, after Syria. The statistics report that the negative effects on the children's life are important: child abuse, neglect, psychological effects as pain, anxiety, depression, the loneliness of children, maternal and paternal deprivation, absence from school, juvenile delinquency, and others. What I personally experienced it was the pain and loneliness, I am missing my father. 3. The Solution :   I plan to arrange a meeting with a psycholog

Changemaker: Sebastian Butnaru - We Are the Change!

  Project Title : We Are the Change! Changemaker :  Sebastian Butnaru Message for the world : Everything is possible through work! 1. Previous experience: No, but I want to change this.   2. The Problem : In my village, Zmeu, many children face poverty that affects their life in a negative way. Poverty is reflected in material, mental and physical matters, with my project I want to focus on the issue related to the lack of role-models. There are many persons that succeeded in their life even-though their grow up in difficult conditions.  3. The Solution : My activity consists in facilitating a meeting between the children of my village and a person who managed from poverty, to overcome his condition through passion and became what he wanted. In this way, by presenting them a role-model, my aim is to inspire the vulnerable children to dare and to dream for a better life. 4. Beneficiaries: 10 children will participate to the meeting. 5. Team:   I will organize it by myself, maybe

Changemaker: Cosmin Curelaru - I want to be a doctor!

Project Title: I want to be a doctor! Changemaker:  Cosmin Curelaru Message for the world: Every child has the right to specialized medical services! 1. Previous experience   No, I have never organized such activities before. 2. The Problem   My biggest dream is to become a doctor even-though I have not much support for it. I am motivated by the fact that in my village, Zmeu, where 80% of the population is represented by the Rroma community, we don't have access to proper medical care.  Most of the children have never been to a doctor. I would like myself to learn more about how I can become a doctor and to encourage other children from my village to see it as a career option. 3. The Solution I want to organize a series of meetings with a doctor, a medical specialist and a nurse to talk to 15 participating children about the importance and role of the medical profession, about its challenges but also about its advantages and disadvantages . The participants will be children interes

Testimoniale: The World of Roma, Slovenia

În perioada 8-16 noiembrie, un grup de tineri din Zmeu şi Lungani, au participat la schimbul de tineri finanţat de programul Erasmus+ şi organizat de RIS Slovenia, la castelul Rakican. Mai jos puteţi citi impresiile lor despre această primă experienţă de mobilitate.  "Am plecat la drum joi 07.11.2019, cu mult curaj și cu dorința de a descoperi noi aventuri. După mai bine de 30 de ore de călătorie, cu pauze de câte 2-3 ore prin Cluj-Napoca sau Budapesta, am ajuns în Rakican. Abia așteptam să facem un duș și să dormim, planul era bine pus la punct de pe traseu, dar surpriză, dormitorul era unul mare, foarte mare și era pentru toți participanții, adică 36 de oameni într-o singură camera pe paturi mobile și o singură baie pentru a face duş. Primul sentiment?! Hai acasă, nu se poate una ca asta, dar ușor, ușor ne-am acomodat, am făcut și duş, am dormit puțin și după ne-am distrat împreună. A devenit plăcut să fim împreună. A doua zi am prezentat gustări din ţara noastră, fiecare ț