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Erasmus + Youth Exchange: Craftastic Results

Craftastic was an 8-day youth exchange, held in Târgu Frumos, Iași county, Romania, between 23 July - 1 August 2021, involving 46 participants, aged between 16 and 30 years old, from 8 countries: Romania, France, Estonia, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece, and the Czech Republic. The topics addressed by the project were: environmental protection, recycling, and entrepreneurship. Craftastic was funded by Erasmus+ Programme with the support of the European Union. The main learning achievements of the participants, based on the evaluation form responses applied at the end of the mobility, are: new knowledge about the other countries involved improved skills of working in an international team increased motivation to participate in other Erasmus+ projects improved English language skills feeling better persons after the exchange knowledge about history and culture of Romania increased capacity to accept and be tolerant with different people and culture developed creativity. 9 participants dec

Craftastic: Dissemination - French team

Craftastic was an 8-day youth exchange, held in Târgu Frumos, Iași county, Romania, involving 46 participants, aged between 16 and 30 years old, from 8 countries: Romania, France, Estonia, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece, and the Czech Republic. The topics addressed by the project were: environmental protection, recycling, and entrepreneurship.   The French team shared their learning experience on the pages of the sending organisation. Also they were part of a podcast: 🎙Our podcast (created by Jeanne Seguineau, one of the French participant of the YE Craftastic) is a meeting place for young travelers, eager to share their experience with Parcours le Monde. Each episode focuses on a specific theme, which may answer questions you have for the organization of your future projects!  📆 Our first episode is available since WEDNESDAY 8 SEPTEMBER at 2:30pm, on Spotify, Deezer, and YouTube. We receive Moïse and Fatima, who have come to talk to us about the language barrier and how to over

Craftastic: Dissemination - Spanish team

  Craftastic was an 8-day youth exchange, held in Târgu Frumos, Iași county, Romania, involving 46 participants, aged between 16 and 30 years old, from 8 countries: Romania, France, Estonia, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece, and the Czech Republic. The topics addressed by the project were: environmental protection, recycling, and entrepreneurship.   To disseminate the project, the Spanish team created a video in the last days of Craftastic, sharing their experience and feelings. Marc Caballer also posted in his social media, a testimonial with photos. As every Erasmus+, youth exchange, I did in my life, Craftastic was an incredible experience plenty of interesting people from all around Europe: Romania, Spain, France, Greece, Portugal, Italy, Estonia, Czech Republic, Ireland, Latvia, Azerbaijan, Turkey and even more were participating in this project related with the environmental protection, entrepreneurship and recycling. Now, it's a few days from there and I could think about

Craftastic: Dissemination - Greek team

Craftastic was an 8-day youth exchange, held in Târgu Frumos, Iași county, Romania, involving 46 participants, aged between 16 and 30 years old, from 8 countries: Romania, France, Estonia, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece, and the Czech Republic. The topics addressed by the project were: environmental protection, recycling, and entrepreneurship.  Each member of the Greek group of Craftastic project wrote a testimonial about their experience during the youth exchange. The testimonial was posted on the website of the sending organisation: Greek Youth Mobility - link . The group estimated that more than 100 people read the article.  Craftastic is a project funded by Erasmus Plus programme, with the support of European Union. 

Craftastic: Dissemination - Portuguese team

Craftastic was an 8-day youth exchange, held in Târgu Frumos, Iași county, Romania, involving 46 participants, aged between 16 and 30 years old, from 8 countries: Romania, France, Estonia, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece, and the Czech Republic. The topics addressed by the project were: environmental protection, recycling, and entrepreneurship. The Portuguese group of Craftastic project organized an open Podcast/Talk show-style live event, held online with the Portuguese team as hosts while they went through a series of unexpected guests. They talked about their experience and the impact it had on them in an unfiltered conversation that was streamed for anyone to watch/listen to. The podcast was published on our YouTube .  Joana also create a short video that was published by the sending organisation, presenting the learning journey of the Portuguese team: Craftastic - Youth Exchange, Roménia Aqui fica um breve vídeo feito por uma das participantes, Joana, do Youth Exchange que teve

Craftastic: Dissemination - Italian team

Craftastic was an 8-day youth exchange, held in Târgu Frumos, Iași county, Romania, involving 46 participants, aged between 16 and 30 years old, from 8 countries: Romania, France, Estonia, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece, and the Czech Republic. The topics addressed by the project were: environmental protection, recycling, and entrepreneurship.   The Italian group of Craftastic project did the following dissemination activities:  *Elvin Hunbatov din offline activities involving his friends. He shared information about the youth exchange and they decided together to go to Tuscany and clean those area from plastics. The plastic was deposited in special containers designed for recycling. *Francesco Maria Iachetta shared his learning achievements through a testimonial, he posted in social media and reached 125 people: ''Our plastic footprint on the environmental health involves the entire world population. During the project we had the opportunity to compare, with other young people

Craftastic: Dissemination - Estonian team

  Craftastic was an 8-day youth exchange, held in Târgu Frumos, Iași county, Romania, involving 46 participants, aged between 16 and 30 years old, from 8 countries: Romania, France, Estonia, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece, and the Czech Republic. The topics addressed by the project were: environmental protection, recycling, and entrepreneurship.   The Estonian group of Craftastic project did the following dissemination activities: *Ingrid Tärk did a small workshop where she talked about the project and Erasmus+ opportunities. There were involved 7 participants.   *Kärolin Liik involved 10 young people in her dissemination activity. She introduced Craftastic project to a group of friends. She showed pictures, explained what we did and how was the process - the activities that led to producing actual items out of 'trash' and what we actually produced by the end of this. The participants got more ideas how their everyday trash could be recycled. Also they got inspiration for

A lot of little people, from a lot of little places, making a lot of little things, can change the world.

A lot of little people, from a lot of little places, making a lot of little things, can change the world.   Eduardo Galiano   Over 45 young people from all across Europe gathered this week in Târgu Frumos to learn from the crafters and workers that make this place special. We got to discover and be inspired by the welcoming local communities and we would love to invite you to our take on the recycling matter. Over the course of the week, we worked as groups to build recycled plastic items, inspired by your lifestyles. From jewelry to decoration, the five teams are so proud to share their work with you. The goal of our project is to inspire a new way of living, more conscious and aware of the limits of consuming plastic. Instead of buying, what if we reuse? Instead of throwing things away, what if we transform them? You get back more than you think from making efforts for this planet. The benefits of our project will be integrally used to fund a device that measures the air quality here

Craftastic: Plastic in NOT Fantastic!

Nowadays, people are becoming more and more sensitive and aware when it comes to environmental issues. The planet is dying and the best way to deal with it is to discuss and become active in any possible way.  Through Craftastic project we have managed to learn how to reduce our environmental impact and some ways to reuse our plastic waste. We are giving new lives to used products and create something beautiful.  This is why we are organising an event called Craftastic: Plastic is not fantastic , on Thursday at 7 pm to 9 pm , on Esplanada Târgu Frumos. During this event 45 people from all around the Europe will work together to raise awareness about plastic pollution. This it is an amazing experience and  we felt the need to share it with other people via our own creations.  We will be exhibiting our unique and eco-friendly products. People will have the opportunity to admire and invest in them. The funds raised by this activity are going to be used for a donation to the local communit