The European Prevention Prize 2014
The European Prevention Prize 2014 has been launched! The European Drug Prevention Prize is awarded every two years to active youth drug prevention projects that are currently functioning in Pompidou Group member states. Its objective is to recognize the importance of active youth participation in creating a better and healthier environment for all communities in Europe. Projects led by young people from all Council of Europe member states, the Pompidou Group member states, as well as Algeria , Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Tunisia, which are members of the group's Mediterranean network for co-operation on drugs and addictions (MedNET) are invited to apply. Three youth projects will be rewarded for their innovative work and will each receive a trophy, a diploma and the sum of 5000 EUR. The Prize will be awarded at the Ministerial Conference taking place in autumn 2014. Deadline: 30 March 2014 More information and application forms: