
Arts Lab 4.0: Month I, Chiara Gentili - Connections, discoveries, roller coasters

Connections, discoveries, roller coasters. These are the words I want to use to describe my first month in Romania. The beginning of my new adventure was very fast, but at the same time full of stories, traditions, smiles and emotions.  The warmth and welcome I received immediately made me feel part of a new big family on which I could rely. The activities I had the opportunity to develop were very varied and stimulating. Together with the guys of the team we have in fact created different workshops that have put us in greater contact with local traditions and in particular with folklore. This culture is pulsating and lives thanks to the generations that with enviable care continue to transmit the history that unites them. I really want to continue to discover this heritage, to fully immerse myself in the emotions that this adventure is giving me and to let myself be transported into the future that awaits us. Chiara Gentili is from Italy and she's doing a six-month volunteering p

Arts Lab 4.0: Month I, Fatma Mohamed Ibrahim Mahmoud - Grateful

The day I got here I was tired, my trip wasn’t the best, but when I met the team, they were so welcoming, full of life, of art, they made my day.  The next day we started to work, I started to be more involved with the team, and share our ideas. We organized several workshops for the children, it wasn’t easy as I expect but we did it. I visited a lot of museums, and I learned more about Romanian culture and folklore. I participated in the 8th edition of the Folcloristica Festival. I did my first short performance with my talented friends Chiara and Cihan.  I can say my first month wasn’t easy, full of challenges, and new things, but also I can say I learned a lot of things, expressed new emotions, and made a lot of amazing friends.  And the best part is our house, our house is always full of life, joy, art. singing, dancing, and laughing. We always create and teach each other new things.  I’m so grateful for this month's experience and I can’t wait to express the next five months w

Arts Lab 4.0: Month II, Federica Colzani - I'm in the right place

When I realized that I have been here for two months, I felt that the time passed so quickly but at the same time I lived so many experiences that it's like I've been here for such a long time. During this month new people arrived in the project and the relationship between us become very special: everyone wants to learn things from the others but also we have a lot of fun together.  We want to see as many things as possible and for this reason we traveled a lot: we went to the Red Lake, Sovata, Sibiu, Constanța but we also explored the nature in Târgu Frumos and I'm so happy to have the chance to see so many beautiful places with special people.  During our days we worked in the alternative museum of folklore. This topic was very interesting for me because I discovered how traditional art is very similar during the years but at the same time it's not fixed in the past as the people that make and join it are different. Also I think it's very beautiful to have an art

Folcloristica, ediția a VIII-a, Feredeni - Deleni - Comunicat de presă

În perioada 29-30 octombrie 2022, comuna Deleni a devenit capitala folclorului ieşean. A opta ediţie a Festivalului Folcloristica, organizată de Parohia „Adormirea Maicii Domnului" Feredeni (pr. Dan Fotea) și Asociaţia Super Tineri (ASIRYS) în parteneriat cu Primăria Comunei Deleni (primar ec. Prigoreanu Dumitru) şi Școala Gimnazială Feredeni (prof. Marius Scîrțu), a reunit 370 de artişti, meşteri, participanți şi voluntari, din numeroase localităţi ieşene: Feredeni, Deleni, Cotnari, Hărmănești, Hârlău, Todirești, Târgu Frumos, dar şi din județul Bacău și din străinătate: Spania, Iordania, Egipt, Italia, Germania și Turcia. Folcloristica este un eveniment unic, organizat de tineri voluntari împreună cu comunitatea locală, ce urmăreşte să promoveze, integreze şi revigoreze tradiţiile şi obiceiurile ce stau la baza culturală a județului Iași. În cadrul festivalului au fost cinci categorii de activităţi: ateliere creative despre folclor, meşteşuguri, momente artistice, parada satelor